1. Introduction
2. General Information
2.1 Features overview
2.1.1 Look & Feel
2.1.2 Booting Features
2.1.3 XOSL is known to support
2.2 XOSL loading failure handling
2.3 Fail-safe operation
2.4 XOSL after re-partitioning
2.5 Boot failure
3. Installation
3.1 System Requirements
3.2 Before installing XOSL
3.3 XOSL after installing an operating system
4. XOSL Preference
4.1 Graphics
4.1.1 Screen area
4.1.2 Visual Effects
4.1.3 Personal
4.2 Color settings
4.2.1 Color schemes
4.2.2 Color adjustment
4.2.3 Fade-in color
4.3 Mouse and keyboard settings
4.3.1 Mouse type
4.3.2 Mouse speed
4.3.3 PS/2 sampling rate
4.3.4 Keyboard layout
4.4 Password protection
4.5 Miscellaneous
4.5.1 Miscellaneous keys
4.5.2 Boot handling
4.5.3 Ranish Partition Manager
5. XOSL boot items configuration
5.1 Add and edit
5.2 Hotkey
5.3 General settings
5.3.1 Status
5.3.2 Auto boot
5.3.3 Partition hiding
5.4 Boot item password protection
5.5 Boot keys
6. Additional
6.1 Boot manager bypass
6.2 Booting Linux
6.2.1 Booting single-kernel Linux systems
6.2.2 Booting multi-kernel Linux systems
6.2.3 Multiple Linux distributions
6.3 Booting MS-DOS/Windows 9x off the second hard disk
6.3.1 Background and solution
6.3.2 Implementation the solution
6.4 Installing XOSL together with other boot managers
6.4.1 XOSL as primary boot loader
6.4.2 XOSL as secondary boot loader
6.4.3 Additional notes
6.5 Additional tips
6.5.1 Booting BeOS
6.5.2 Install and the Japanese MS-DOS
7. References
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