IGLib  1.7.2
The IGLib base library for development of numerical, technical and business applications.
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CommandlineApplicationInterpreterBase.cs File Reference


class  IG.Lib.CommandLineJobContainer
 Carries command execution data, results, and other data such as identification number, etc. More...
class  IG.Lib.CommandAdapterSingleThreaded
 Adapter class that wraps a single threaded command delegate and provides a multithreaded function. More...
class  IG.Lib.InterpreterVariable
 Base class for interpreter variables. More...
class  IG.Lib.CommandStackFrame
 Stack frame for a block of command-line interpreter commands. More...
class  IG.Lib.CommandThread
 Contains stack frames and other command thread data for a single command thread of a command-line interreter. More...
class  IG.Lib.CommandStackFrame< InterpreterType >
 Stack frame for a block of command-line interpreter commands. More...
class  IG.Lib.CommandThread< InterpreterType >
 Contains stack frames and other command thread data for a single command thread of a command-line interreter. More...
class  IG.Lib.CommandStackFrame< InterpreterType, ThreadType >
 Stack frame for a block of command-line interpreter commands. More...
class  IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase
 Base class for classes of type CommandStackFrame{InterpreterType, ThreadType}see cref=""/>. Contains everyting that does not depend on specific type of generic parameters. More...
class  IG.Lib.CommandThread< InterpreterType, FrameType, ThreadType >
 Contains stack frames and other command thread data for a single command thread of a command-line interreter. More...
class  IG.Lib.CommandThreadBase
 Base class for classes of type CommandThread{InterpreterType, FrameType, ThreadType}. Contains everything that is not dependent on generic frame and other parameters. More...


package  IG.Lib


using MatrixMathNetNumerics = MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Double.DenseMatrix
using QRDecompositionMathNetNumerics = MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Double.Factorization.DenseQR
using LUDecompositionMathNetNumerics = MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Double.Factorization.DenseLU
using AsyncResult = System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.AsyncResult


enum  IG.Lib.VariableFlags : int {
  IG.Lib.VariableFlags.None = 0, IG.Lib.VariableFlags.Valid = 1, IG.Lib.VariableFlags.StringVar = 2, IG.Lib.VariableFlags.ReferenceVar = 4,
  IG.Lib.VariableFlags.Default = Valid & StringVar
 Flags that specify interpreter variable type and behavior. More...
enum  IG.Lib.CodeBlockType : int {
  IG.Lib.CodeBlockType.None = 0, IG.Lib.CodeBlockType.Base = 1, IG.Lib.CodeBlockType.Block = 2, IG.Lib.CodeBlockType.If = 4,
  IG.Lib.CodeBlockType.While = 8, IG.Lib.CodeBlockType.Function = 32, IG.Lib.CodeBlockType.Callable = Function | Function
 Represents type of the interpretation block for which a stack frame exists on command thread. More...


delegate string IG.Lib.ApplicationCommandDelegate (ICommandLineApplicationInterpreter interpreter, string commandName, string[] args)
 Delegate for commands that are installed on interpreter. More...
delegate string IG.Lib.ApplicationCommandDelegateMtGeneric< InterpreterType > (CommandThread< InterpreterType > commandThread, string commandName, string[] args)
 Delegate for commands that are installed on interpreter. More...
delegate string IG.Lib.ApplicationCommandDelegateMt (CommandThread commandThread, string commandName, string[] args)
 Delegate for commands that are installed on interpreter. More...
delegate void IG.Lib.ModuleDelegate (string modulename, ICommandLineApplicationInterpreter interpreter)
 Delegate for installing a module on the interpreter. More...

Typedef Documentation

using QRDecompositionMathNetNumerics = MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Double.Factorization.DenseQR
using LUDecompositionMathNetNumerics = MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Double.Factorization.DenseLU
using AsyncResult = System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.AsyncResult