IGLib  1.5
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VtkPlotBase.cs File Reference


class  IG.Gr3d.VtkPlotBase
 Base class for plotting classes that plot on VTK windows (class VtkPlotter). More...
class  IG.Gr3d.VtkPlotBase.Func2dX
 2D function that returns the first parameter. Used as the first componnet of parametric definition of surfce that is defined by a single function of 2 variables. More...
class  IG.Gr3d.VtkPlotBase.Func2dY
 2D function that returns the second parameter. Used as the second componnet of parametric definition of surfce that is defined by a single function of 2 variables. More...
class  IG.Gr3d.VtkPlotBase.Func2dZero
 Auxiliary 2D function that returns 0. More...
class  IG.Gr3d.VtkPlotBase.Func3dZ
 3D function that returns the third component of its 3D vector argument. Used e.g. for coloring graphs by heights. More...
class  IG.Gr3d.VtkPlotBase.Func3dZero
 3D function that returns 0. Used e.g. for coloring graphs by heights. More...
class  IG.Gr3d.VtkPlotBase.ExampleFunc2dXY
 Function f(x,y)=x*y. More...
class  IG.Gr3d.VtkPlotBase.ExampleFunc2dLinear
 Function f(x,y)=x+y. More...
class  IG.Gr3d.VtkPlotBase.ExampleFunc2dSquare
 Function f(x,y)=x*x+y*y. More...
class  IG.Gr3d.VtkPlotBase.ExampleFunc2dShifted
 Function defined as some other function shifted for the specified value. More...
class  IG.Gr3d.VtkPlotBase.ExampleFuncDiff
 Difference between the two auxiliary functions. More...
class  IG.Gr3d.VtkPlotBase.ExampleValueFunctionDiff21
 3D function of coordinates that returns difference between func2 and func1 at the first two coordinates. More...
class  IG.Gr3d.VtkPlotBase.ExampleSineFunctionForLissajous
 Sine function with the specified frequency factor and phase. Used in the ExampleLissajous. More...
class  IG.Gr3d.VtkPlotBase.ExampleFunctionTorusKnot
 Functions for all 3 co-ordinates of parametric curve definition of a p-q torus knot . Used in the ExampleCurvePlotTorusKnot. More...


package  IG.Gr3d


using Color = System.Drawing.Color

Typedef Documentation

using Color = System.Drawing.Color