IGLib 1.4
The IGLib base library for development of numerical, technical and business applications.

Constants.cs File Reference


struct  IG::Num::PhysicalConstant
 Data of a physical constant, including its value, standard error, units, symbol and description. This is alro used for derived SI units and non-SI units. More...
class  IG::Num::ConstMath
 Mathematical and physical constants. More...
class  IG::Num::ConstPhysical
 Physical constants including units and standard uncertainty. More...
class  IG::Num::SIPrefix
 SI prefixes for producing multiples of the original units (such as kilo- or micro-). More...
class  IG::Num::PhysicalUnit
 SI units (basic & derived) More...
class  IG::Num::NonSIUnit
 Non-SI units whose use is not encouraged or not allowed. More...
class  IG::Num::ConstMisc
 Miscellaneous constants. More...


namespace  IG::Num


enum  IG::Num::SI {
  IG::Num::m, IG::Num::kg, IG::Num::s, IG::Num::A,
  IG::Num::K, IG::Num::cd, IG::Num::mol

SI base units (International system of units).

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