NeurApp 1.1
NeurApp - software for exploring approximation by artificial neural networks on functions of one or two variables.

Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
IG::Neural::AnalysisFileServerNeuralClass containing direct analysis (in optimization) based on neural network optimization
IG::Neural::ApproximationFileServerNeuralClass for approximation file server
IG::Neural::NeuralTrainingParameters::ComparerBaseBase comparer class (implementation of the IComparer<NeuralTrainingParameters> interface) for conmparing objects of type NeuralTrainingParameters
IG::Num::complexComplex number
IG::Num::ComplexClassClass representing general complex numbers
IG::Num::ComplexMatrixComplex matrix
IG::Num::ComplexMatrixBaseBase class for complex matrices
IG::Num::ComplexMatrixExtensionsExtension methods for IMatrix interface
IG::Num::ComplexRealClassComplex class that can only represent real numbers (imaginary part is always 0). Attempt to set an imaginary part different than 0 always throws an exception
IG::Num::ComplexVectorComplex vector
IG::Num::ComplexVectorBaseBase class for complex vectors
IG::Num::ConvectionRobertFileManagerFile manager for interfacing simulation casting simulator of Robert Vertnik
IG::Neural::Applications::formLoadCSVGUI Form for loading the training set
IG::Neural::Func2dFromApproximatorApproximator function of 2 variables that is based on a general approximator function of vector argument
IG::Num::IComplexInterface that must be implemented by all complex numbers. $A Igor Oct09;
IG::Num::IComplexMatrixComplex matrix
IG::Num::IComplexVectorComplex vector intrface
IG::Neural::INeuralApproximatorApproximator of response by using neural networks. $A Igor Mar11;
IG::Neural::INeuralApproximatorContainerClasses that contain neural approximator
IG::Neural::INeuralModelInterface for artificial neural network -based models that we can operate on
IG::Neural::InputMappingDefinitionElementInput data element mapping definition for neural networks
IG::Lib::JMatProElemetDataChemical element data used by JMatPro
IG::Num::SimJMatProFileManagerBase::JMatResultInfoClass for checking and obtaining information about JMatPro results
IG::Lib::LoadableScriptShellBaseLoadable script base class for the shell application that includes tols for definition of optiimization problems, definition of vector response functions, a couple of interfaces with simulation programs, etc. AGREEMENTS: The first argument to initialization and executable method is working directory where data between different applications is exchanged. If overrigding the InitializeThis(...) method, call the base class' method first, and keep the agreement that the first argument must be the working directory. When implementing the executable (RunThis(...)) method, its first argument should also be the working directory (the same as for initialization). This is to enable use of the class in scenarios where initialization and execution arguments must be the same
IG::Script::LoadableScriptShellNeuralBase class for loadable scripts that are used as custom applications that inclued neural networks approximations and optimization
IG::Script::LoadableScriptShellNeuralBaseBase class for loadable scripts that are used as custom applications that inclued neural networks approximations and optimization
IG::Script::LoadableScriptShellNeuralITBase class for loadable scripts that are used as custom applications that inclued neural networks approximations and optimization
IG::Script::LoadableScriptShellNeuralITOriginalBase class for loadable scripts that are used as custom applications that inclued neural networks approximations and optimization
IG::Script::LoadableScriptShellNeuralITOriginalBaseBase class for loadable scripts that are used as custom applications that inclued neural networks approximations and optimization
IG::Neural::MapImputElementDefinitionDtoDTO (data transfer object) for neural data input element mapping definition
IG::Neural::MapNeuralImputOutputElementDefinitionDto< ElementType >DTO (data transfer object) for neural data element mapping definition
IG::Neural::MapOutputElementDefinitionDtoDTO (data transfer object) for neural data output element mapping definition
IG::Neural::MappingApproximationFileManagerFile manager for mapping file client and server
IG::Neural::MappingApproximationFileServerNeuralClass for mapping file server
IG::Neural::MappingDefinitionDefinition of input and output data mapping. Contains Mapped and Original Index, descriptiove information about individual eleemnts of input and output and default valuess. $A Igor Jul 19; tako78 Jul 19
IG::Neural::MappingDefinitionElementBase class for input or output data element mapping definition
IG::Num::SimJMatProFileManagerBase::MaterialDirectoryInfoBaseContains information about the state of specific calculation related to material directory.
IG::Neural::NeuralApproximatorNeuron::MyNeuronBackPropagationReplacement for BackpropagationNetwork from NeuronDotNet, adapts some functionality to the needs of enclosing class
IG::Num::NafemsTestRoberrFileManagerFile manager for interfacing simulation casting simulator of Robert Vertnik
IG::Neural::NeuraApproximationFileManagerFile manager for neural network approximation file client and server
IG::Neural::NeuralAllpicationCommandsCommands for application's interpreter for neural networks
IG::Neural::NeuralAllpicationCommandsNeuronDotNetCommands for application's interpreter for neural networks
IG::Neural::NeuralApplicationCommandsTadejCommands for application's interpreter for neural networks
IG::Lib::NeuralApplicationInterpreterCommand line application interpreter that contains some neural networks - related commands
IG::Neural::NeuralApproximatorAforgeApproximator of response by using neural networks, based on the AforgeDotNet library. $A Igor Mar11;
IG::Neural::NeuralApproximatorAForgeDtoA data transfer object (DTO) for the NeuralApproximatorAforge class. $A Igor Mar11;
IG::Neural::NeuralApproximatorBaseBase class for neural network approximators
IG::Neural::NeuralApproximatorBaseExtBase class for neural network approximators
IG::Neural::NeuralApproximatorDtoBaseA data transfer object (DTO) for neural approximation classes that implement the INeuralApproximator interface. $A Igor Mar11;
IG::Neural::NeuralApproximatorDtoBase< Type >A data transfer object (DTO) for neural approximation classes that implement the INeuralApproximator interface. $A Igor Mar11;
IG::Neural::NeuralApproximatorDtoBaseExtA data transfer object (DTO) for neural approximation classes that implement the INeuralApproximator interface
IG::Neural::NeuralApproximatorNeuronApproximator of response by using neural networks, based on the NeuronDotNet library. $A Igor Mar11 Jul11; Tako78 Jul11;
IG::Neural::Forms::NeuralControl2DA 2D neural network approximation demo control
IG::Neural::Forms::NeuralDemo1DA 1D neural network approximation demo control
IG::Neural::NeuralFileConstConstants used in definition of neural networks approximation servers and clients working through file system
IG::Neural::Forms::NeuralInputControlControl for editing input parameter values
IG::Neural::Forms::NeuralInputWindowTest window for editing input parameters of an approximative model
IG::Neural::Forms::NeuralOutputControlControl for editing output values of an approximative model
IG::Neural::Applications::NeuralParametricDemoAboutForm containing information about neural demo software. Help can also be triggered from here.
IG::Neural::Applications::NeuralParametricDemoAboutOldForm containing information about neural demo software. Help can also be triggered from here.
IG::Neural::Applications::NeuralParametricDemoAboutWindowWindow that displays information about Demo application for performing parametric studies on ANN models
IG::Neural::Applications::NeuralParametricDemoAboutWindowOldWindow that displays information about Demo application for performing parametric studies on ANN models
IG::Neural::Forms::Old::NeuralParametricDemoOldClass for testing Layout designs
IG::Neural::Forms::Old::NeuralParametricDemoOldCopyClass for testing Layout designs
IG::Neural::Forms::Old::NeuralParametricDemoTestOldClass for testing Layout designs
IG::Neural::Forms::Old::NeuralParametricTestOldTorm for parametric tests. Obsolete! This is developed form initial design of the form where NeuralParametricTestSelection is used for everything related to input parameters (to set central parameter values and to select the parameter that varies and bounds in which it varies).Now this is used for demonstratin how further composed controls can be put on tab pages. Important aspect of this is how to handle the data definition and neural approximator.
IG::Neural::Forms::NeuralPredictionControlControl for making predictions of output values based on ANN model
IG::Neural::Applications::NeuralPredictionWindowWindow for making predictions of output values based on ANN model
IG::Neural::NeuralTrainingLimitsContains Parameters that define neural network architecture limits and trainig parameter limits. Not thread safe!
IG::Neural::NeuralTrainingLimitsDtoTransfer Object (DTO) for neural network training limits
IG::Neural::NeuralTrainingParametersContains Parameters that define neural network architecture and trainig procedure, together with achieved results after training such as various error norms. Not thread safe!
IG::Neural::NeuralTrainingParametersDtoTransfer Object (DTO) for neural network training set
IG::Neural::NeuralTrainingResultsPlotterPlotter class for neural training results
IG::Neural::NeuralTrainingTableContains Parameters that define neural network architecture and trainig limits, together with achieved results after training such as various error norms. Not thread safe!
IG::Neural::NeuralTrainingTableDtoTransfer Object (DTO) for neural network training results
IG::Neural::NeuralTrainingTablePlotterPlotter class for neural training results
IG::Neural::Applications::NeurAppApplication class for the current application
IG::Neural::OutputMappingDefinitionElementOutput data element mapping definition for neural networks
IG::Neural::Properties::ResourcesA strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc
IG::Lib::ShellClassShell class, implements top-most level of the optimization shell
IG::Lib::SimCastingRobertConstConstants for (optimization) interface with Robert Vertnik's Continuous casting simulator
IG::Num::SimCastingRobertFileManagerFile manager for interfacing simulation casting simulator of Robert Vertnik
IG::Lib::SimJMatProConstConstants for interface with the JMatPro software (the SimJMatProFileManager and derived classes)
IG::Num::SimJMatProFileManager4_0File manager for interfacing the JMatPro software version 4.0
IG::Num::SimJMatProFileManagerBaseFile manager for interfacing the JMatPro software
IG::Lib::SimJmatProSettingsDtoSettings for the SimJMatProFileManagerBase class
IG::Lib::SimJMatProSettingsDto< FmType >Settings for classes that inherit from SimJMatProFileManagerBase class
IG::Num::SimJMatProFileManagerBase::SimulationInfoBaseContains information about the particular bundle of simulations to be performed
IG::Script::LoadableScriptShellNeuralBase::StoredScriptSettingsIn methods of this class you will find all the settings that apply to this script
IG::Script::LoadableScriptShellNeural::StoredScriptSettingsIn methods of this class you will find all the settings that apply to this script
IG::Script::LoadableScriptShellNeuralITOriginalBase::StoredScriptSettingsIn methods of this class you will find all the settings that apply to this script
IG::Lib::LoadableScriptShellBase::StoredScriptSettingsIn methods of this class you will find all the settings that apply to this script
IG::Script::LoadableScriptShellNeuralITOriginal::StoredScriptSettingsIn methods of this class you will find all the settings that apply to this script
IG::Neural::Applications::TadejFormOldGUI Form for training neural networks
IG::Neural::TestTrainingParametersComparersClass for testing of Comparers for NeuralTrainingParameters
IG::Gr3d::TestVtkGraphicTests of 3D graphics enabled by ActiViz (VTK wrapper library)
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