New York

Part two - the UN

Sunday June 6th 1999

A mid-afternoon start saw us wandering through the Manhattan heat with no particular destination in mind. Half way there, we decided to go to the United Nations headquarters, a walk of some 30 blocks in stifling heat. Given my interest in world affairs, it seemed a natural choice. Veronika had by this time more or less recovered from the debilitating effects of BA food, although the sun was starting to get to me.


The UN building lies on the East River, and is surrounded by a sculpture park, which I found very interesting.

"Good Conquers Evil", a statue made in part from decommissioned rockets, including an SS-20

Another statue at the UN Plaza, this one a gift from Luxembourg.

Me at the UN.

The UN building also has some parkland around it, where we had a close encounter with a rather cute squirrel:

Veronika at the UN, with First Avenue and the UN Plaza in the background.

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