Probably the most extensive source of Roma-related materials on the Web, this is an excellent starting point for anyone seeking information on the Rom. Highly recommended.
The home page of the Gypsy Lore Society, sponsors of the oldest (I think) journal dedicated to the study of the Roma. Unfortunately, the Journal of the GLS is not yet online.
The International Romani Union
The European Roma Rights Centre
A Hungary-based organisation dedicated to protecting the rights of Europe's Roma. Considerable information about anti-Roma human rights violations in eastern Europe.
A photojournalist's record of her stay among a group of Eastern European Roma. A number of excellent photographs are the highlight of this site.
Description of one of the more far-flung dialects of Romani (in Portuguese).
Hosted by Czech Radio, a fair amount of information about one of the groups of Rom in the international news recently. In English and Czech.
The University has a large collection of Romani-related material, some of which is on the Web, with the promise of more to come. Look out for an interesting article on gypsy caravans.
George Borrow was a nineteenth century writer who wrote a number of books on the Romani in Britain and Spain, becoming fluent in Romani and living with Roma for extended periods. I believe that the University of Liverpool's gypsy library started with Borrow's collection (correct me if I'm wrong anyone). The full texts of a number of his books are available for download courtesy of the Gutenberg Project.
Index | Introduction | Glossary | Phrases | Other languages | Names | Notes | Samples | Sources
This page owned, developed and maintained by Fergus Smith. Mail me with any comments, corrections, suggestions, additional information, etc. Page created 1st March 1998. Last updated 01 March 1998.