IGLib  1.7.2
The IGLib base library for development of numerical, technical and business applications.
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Package IG.Gr


class  GraphicLineBase
 Base class for graphic line primitive. More...
class  GraphicObject
 Graphic object, a tree - like collection of graphic primitives. More...
class  GraphicPointBase
 Base class for graphic line primitive. More...
class  GraphicPrimitive
 Abstract base class for all graphic primitives such as lines, facets, etc. More...
class  GraphicPrimitiveBase
 Base class for graphic primitives. More...
class  GraphicPrimitiveSimple
 GraphicPrimitive that has a protected Coordinates[] array. More...
class  GraphicQuadriLateralBase
 Base class for graphic line primitive. More...
class  GraphicSetBase
 Base class for graphic sets that contain groups of graphic primitives. More...
class  GraphicTriangleBase
 Base class for graphic line primitive. More...
class  GrFillSettings
 Fill Settings. More...
class  GrLinesettings
 Line Settings. More...
class  GrPlottingBase
 Base class for plotting graphic objects. More...
class  GrPointSettings
 Point Settings. More...
class  GrPrimitiveSettings
 Settings for graphic primitive. More...
class  GrTextSettings
 Text Settings. More...
interface  IGraphicPrimitive
interface  IGraphicSet
 Graphic set that contain graphic primitives and other graphic sets. More...
interface  IGrsettings
class  LinePrimitive
class  Mesh
 Base class for all mesh classes. More...
class  Mesh2D
class  Mesh3D
class  Plot2dTestZedgraph
 Contains the Main1 function that performs some tests on 2D plotting with Zedgraph. More...
class  Plotter
class  PlotterZedGraph
 Plotter class that uses a ZedGraphControl object for plotting ordinary 2D graphs. More...
class  PlotZedGraphBase
 Base class for plots that are shown in a ZedGraphControl object. More...
class  PlotZedgraphCurve
 Curve plots that is shown on a ZedGraphControl object. More...
class  PointPrimitive
class  QuadriLateralFacePrimitive
class  StructuredSurfaceGridPrimitive
class  StructuredSurfaceMesh3D
class  SurfaceGridPrimitive
class  SurfceMesh3D
 Surface mesh in 3 dimensions. More...
class  TextPrimitive
class  TrilateralFacePrimitive
class  ZedGraphWindow
 Window form containing a Zedgraph control for plotting graphs. More...


enum  GraphicPrimitiveType {
  GraphicPrimitiveType.Undefined = 0, GraphicPrimitiveType.Point = 1, GraphicPrimitiveType.Line = 2, GraphicPrimitiveType.Trigangle = 4,
  GraphicPrimitiveType.Quadrilateral = 8
 Specifies the type of the graphic primitive. More...


delegate void ZedGraphPlotDlg (ZedGraphControl PlotPane)
 Delegate for plotting on a Zedgraph pane. More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

Specifies the type of the graphic primitive.


Function Documentation

delegate void IG.Gr.ZedGraphPlotDlg ( ZedGraphControl  PlotPane)

Delegate for plotting on a Zedgraph pane.

PlotPanelZedgraph control used for plotting graphs within a window.

$A Igor Jun09;