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Function3d2d.cs File Reference


interface  IG.Num.IFunc3d2d
 Represents 3D vector functions of 2 variables. More...
class  IG.Num.Func3d2dBaseNoHessian
 Base class for 3D vector functions of 2 variables (implementations of the IFunc3d2d interface) that do not implement calculation of the Hessian (second derivatives). More...
class  IG.Num.Func3d2dBaseNoGradient
 Base class for 3D vector functions of 2 variables (implementations of the IFunc3d2d interface) that do not implement calculation of function Hessian (second derivatives) or gradient. More...
class  IG.Num.Func3d2dBase
 Base class for 3D vector functions of 2 variables (base for implementation of IFunc3d2d interface). More...
class  IG.Num.Func3d2dBase.ComponentFunctionBase
 Base function for component functions, provides internal variable for vector function. More...
class  IG.Num.Func3d2dBase.ComponentFunction1
 Class that represents a scalar function of 2 variables that is the first component of the specified 3D vector function of 2 variables. More...
class  IG.Num.Func3d2dBase.ComponentFunction2
 Class that represents a scalar function of 2 variables that is the first component of the specified 3D vector function of 2 variables. More...
class  IG.Num.Func3d2dBase.ComponentFunction3
 Class that represents a scalar function of 2 variables that is the third component of the specified 3D vector function of 2 variables. More...
class  IG.Num.Func3d2dExamples
 Contains a number of example 3D vector functions of 2 variables. More...
class  IG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.ParametricSurface
 Base class for easy definition of parametric surfaces intended for plotting. More...
class  IG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.Surface
 Base class for easy definition of surfaces defined through a function of 2 variables. More...
class  IG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.SaddleXY
 Parametric surface that is a graph of the function f(x,y)=x*y. More...
class  IG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.HyperbolicParaboloid
 Surface that is a graph of the function z/c=x^2/a^2-y^2/b^2. More...
class  IG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.Paraboloid
 Surface that is a graph of the function z/c=x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2. More...
class  IG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.CylinderParametric
 Parametric equation of an origin-centered (ellipsoidal) cylindrical surface in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. More...
class  IG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.EllipsoidParametric
 Parametric equation of an origin-centered ellipsoid surface in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. More...
class  IG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.SphereParametric
 Parametric equation of an origin-centered sphere. More...
class  IG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.HyperboloidTwosheetedUpperParametric
 Parametric definition of an origin-centered upper two-sheeted hyperboloid surface (x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2-z^2/c^2-1) in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. More...
class  IG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.HyperboloidTwosheetedLowerParametric
 Parametric definition of an origin-centered upper two-sheeted hyperboloid surface (x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2-z^2/c^2-1) in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. More...
class  IG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.HyperboloidParametric
 Parametric definition of an origin-centered hyperboloid surface (x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2-z^2/c^2=1) in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. More...
class  IG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.HyperboloidParametric2
 Alternative parametric definition of an origin-centered hyperboloid surface (x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2-z^2/c^2=1) in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. More...
class  IG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.HyperboloidParametricPlus
 Alternative parameterization of an origin-centered hyperboloid surface (x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2-z^2/c^2=1) in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. More...
class  IG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.HyperboloidParametricMinus
 Alternative parameterization of an origin-centered hyperboloid surface (x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2-z^2/c^2=1) in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. More...
class  IG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.Torus
 Parametric equation of a toroid surface in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. More...
class  IG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.TorusHorizontal
 Parametric equation of a horizontal toroid surface in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. More...
class  IG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.TorusVertical
 Parametric equation of a horizontal toroid surface in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. More...
class  IG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.EnneperSurface
 Parametric equation of the Enneper surface, in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. More...
class  IG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.MobiusStrip
 Defines the Möbius strip (a parametric surface), a surface with only one side and only one boundary component. More...
class  IG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.UmbilicTorus
 Parametric equation of the umbilic torus surface, a closed single-edged surface in 3D, in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. More...
class  IG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.KleinBottle
 Defines the Klein's bottle (a parametric surface), a closed surface with no interior and exterior. More...
class  IG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.KleinBottle1
 Defines the Klein's bottle (a parametric surface), a closed surface with no interior and exterior. More...
class  IG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.KleinBottle2
 Defines the Klein's bottle (a parametric surface), a closed surface with no interior and exterior. More...
class  IG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.SnailConicSpiral_ToCheck
 Defines a parametric definition of a snail shell - like surface (a parametric surface) in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. More...
class  IG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.SnailShell1
 Definition of parametric surface that ressembles a snail's shell in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. More...
class  IG.Num.Func3d2dExamples.SnailShell1Streched
 Definition of parametric surface that ressembles a snail's shell (a bit stretched along the axis) in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. More...


package  IG.Num