IGLib  1.7.2
The IGLib base library EXTENDED - with other lilbraries and applications.
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MessagesBisConst.cs File Reference


class  IG.Lib.MsgConstCommon
 Common Constants related to messages sent with BIS. Remark: class MsgConst is composed of different part in order to make it easily scanned. More...
class  IG.Lib.MsgConstObservationOrder
 Constants related to the ObservationOrder msg. Remark: class MsgConst was composed of different parts in order to make it easily scanned. Constants are used in utilities needed for interpretation and construction of messages. More...
class  IG.Lib.MsgConstObservationEvent
 Constants related to the ObservationEvent msg. Remark: class MsgConst was composed of different parts in order to make it easily scanned. Constants are used in utilities needed for interpretation and construction of messages. More...
class  IG.Lib.MsgConstFinancialTransaction
 Constants related to the ObservationEvent msg. Remark: class MsgConst was composed of different parts in order to make it easily scanned. Constants are used in utilities needed for interpretation and construction of messages. More...
class  IG.Lib.MsgConst
 Constants related to msg for communication with BIS, conversion utilities from and to formats used in messageds, etc. Constants are not defined static in order to enable corrections for different variants of the program. More...
class  IG.Lib.MsgConstGolnik
 Here one can handle specifics with respect to different versions of the program for different customers. This class should not contain any additional definitions! More...


package  IG.Lib


enum  IG.Lib.MessageType {
  IG.Lib.MessageType.Unknown = 0, IG.Lib.MessageType.SpecimenObservationOrder, IG.Lib.MessageType.SpecimenObservationEvent, IG.Lib.MessageType.PersonRegistry,
enum  IG.Lib.ObservationType { IG.Lib.ObservationType.Unknown = 0, IG.Lib.ObservationType.Pathological, IG.Lib.ObservationType.Histological, IG.Lib.ObservationType.Cytological }
enum  IG.Lib.OoStatus { IG.Lib.OoStatus.Unknown = 0, IG.Lib.OoStatus.Active, IG.Lib.OoStatus.Completed, IG.Lib.OoStatus.Nullified }
enum  IG.Lib.OoAction { IG.Lib.OoAction.Unknown = 0, IG.Lib.OoAction.Create = 1, IG.Lib.OoAction.Revise = 2, IG.Lib.OoAction.Nullify = 3 }
enum  IG.Lib.OeAction { IG.Lib.OeAction.Unknown = 0, IG.Lib.OeAction.Activate = 11, IG.Lib.OeAction.Complete = 12, IG.Lib.OeAction.ReviseCompleted = 13 }
enum  IG.Lib.ActionPriority { IG.Lib.ActionPriority.Unknown = 0, IG.Lib.ActionPriority.Routine, IG.Lib.ActionPriority.Urgent, IG.Lib.ActionPriority.Critical }
enum  IG.Lib.BisMessageStatus {
  IG.Lib.BisMessageStatus.NotReady = 0, IG.Lib.BisMessageStatus.Arrived = 1, IG.Lib.BisMessageStatus.ReceiptConfirmed = 2, IG.Lib.BisMessageStatus.IncomingRejected = 5,
  IG.Lib.BisMessageStatus.Prepared = 10, IG.Lib.BisMessageStatus.Sent = 11, IG.Lib.BisMessageStatus.ConfirmationObtained = 12, IG.Lib.BisMessageStatus.OutgoingRejected = 15