class | NUnit.Framework.Internal.Builders.PairwiseStrategy |
| PairwiseStrategy creates test cases by combining the parameter data so that all possible pairs of data items are used. More...
class | NUnit.Framework.Internal.Builders.PairwiseStrategy.FleaRand |
| FleaRand is a pseudo-random number generator developed by Bob Jenkins: http://burtleburtle.net/bob/rand/talksmall.html#flea
class | NUnit.Framework.Internal.Builders.PairwiseStrategy.FeatureInfo |
| FeatureInfo represents coverage of a single value of test function parameter, represented as a pair of indices, Dimension and Feature. In terms of unit testing, Dimension is the index of the test parameter and Feature is the index of the supplied value in that parameter's list of sources.
class | NUnit.Framework.Internal.Builders.PairwiseStrategy.FeatureTuple |
| A FeatureTuple represents a combination of features, one per test parameter, which should be covered by a test case. In the PairwiseStrategy, we are only trying to cover pairs of features, so the tuples actually may contain only single feature or pair of features, but the algorithm itself works with triplets, quadruples and so on.
class | NUnit.Framework.Internal.Builders.PairwiseStrategy.TestCaseInfo |
| TestCase represents a single test case covering a list of features.
class | NUnit.Framework.Internal.Builders.PairwiseStrategy.PairwiseTestCaseGenerator |
| PairwiseTestCaseGenerator class implements an algorithm which generates a set of test cases which covers all pairs of possible values of test function.