IGLib  1.5
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FunctionRealInterpolation.cs File Reference


class  IG.Num.Func
 Creation of a number of standard real mathematical functions in one dimension. Conttains subclasses for specific functions ans corresponding static creator methods. Creator methods come in 3 different version: for reference form of the function (e.g. just Exp[x]), for form shifted and stretched in x direction, and general form shifted and stretched in both directions. More...
class  IG.Num.Func.Linear
 Linear function, f(x) = a1*x + a0. Specific properties: Zero - returns a zero. HasZero - either the function has a zero or not. More...
class  IG.Num.Func.Quadratic
 Quadratic function, f(x) = a2*x*x + a1*x + a0. Specific properties: Zero - returns a zero. Zero1 - returns the fierst zero. Zero2 - returns the second zero. NumZeros - 0, 1 or 2, returns number of zeros. HasZero - either the function has a zero or not. More...
class  IG.Num.Func.Cubic
 Cubic function, f(x) = a3*x*x*x + a2*x*x + a1*x + a0. Specific properties: Zero - returns a zero. Zero1 - returns the fierst zero. Zero2 - returns the second zero. Zero3 - returns the third zero. NumZeros - returns number of zeros (0, 1 or 3). HasZero - either the function has a zero or not. Min - returns function's strict minimum. Max - returns function's strict maximum. More...


package  IG.Num