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July – 31st August 2002
for Chess Composition of Chess Federation of Slovenia together with Association of Chess Composers of Ukraine and International Union
of Ukraine Businessmen organize Internet
Composing Tourney as a pre-congress activity of Portoroz 45th World
Congress of Chess Composition.
Tourney is
open for all composers from all over the world.
Theme: In an ortodox twomover (#2) white piece to search out
solution of a composition makes consecutive tries, black piece to refute this
tries carries out the parallel pursuit of white piece (Veliky theme).
Nikola Veliky (UKR)
Example No. 1 Example
No. 2
Nikola Veliky Colin Sydenham
Ukrainy",1952 Pr. ALKO-Congress-97TT, 1997
#2 7+3 #2 11+11
1.Qd3? Be3!, 1.Qc2?
Bd2!, Qb1? Bc1! 1.Be6? Bc6!
1.Bd7? Bb7!, 1.Be4? Be6!
zz 1…S~, B~, Kc6 2.Qb7, Qh1, Qe4# 1.Bc8!
(2.Rf5#) 1…Bc6, Bb7, Be6 2.Rf6, Qf7, Re4#
Example No. 3 Example
No. 4
1 Pr. Veliky-65 jc, 2001 Sp. prize Veliky-65 jc,
#2 9+5 #2 4+3
(2.Qd5#) Bd6 (b8) 2.Qb7#, 1…R: e5! 1.Bb3? Bd3!, 1.Bc4? Bc2!
1.Qe6? (2.Qc6#) R:e5 2.Bg2#, 1…Bd6! 1.B:a2! (2.Bb1#) Bc2, Bd3 2.Bb3, Bc4#
1.Qb3? (2.Qb7#) R:e5 2.Sf2#, 1…Bb4!
1.Qa2? (2.Qa8#) R:e5 2.Qg2#, 1…Ba3!
1.Qc4! (2.Qc6#)
R:e5, Bc5 2.d5, dc5#
date: 31st August 2002
Diagrams and algebraic notation of
compositions, their solutions and commentaries together with author's name are
to be send to the Organizing Committee of the Congress on e-mail address:
Answers to some questions about the theme:
Q: Can be nights also thematical pieces?
A: The parallel pursuit is possible only along
a line.
Q: Is this pattern of moves thematical:
1.Dc8/Dd8/De8? Lc3/Ld4/Le5!
A: No, because it
is not a parallel pursuit.
Q: Is it necessary that white piece moving in tries
makes a key-move?
A: Yes.
Q: If the same white piece makes a key-move, must it
be on the same line of play as in tries?
A: Yes.
Q: Is it enough to have two tries?
A: Yes.
Q: Is it allowed that two or more complexes are
present? For example: 1.De3/Dd4? Le4/Ld5! and 1.Dc5/Db6? Ld5/Lc6!
A: Yes. Each
complex should be present by at least two attempts.
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