09:10 - Peter Zimnikoval talking about TV spectrum of a meteor. |
09:15 - Rainer Arlt as a Chairman. |
09:25 - Vladimir Smirnov at his lecture. |
09:30 - A man from the national TV station visited us, and made some shots. |
09:45 - Juan Martin Semegone talking abot their progress in developing a standard radio reciever and transmitter |
09:50 - Dragana at her lecture about radio meteor observing. |
10:00 - Marc Gysens explainig how a postcard looks like and where to put a signature. |
10:30 - Cathy and Felix talking during a coffee break. |
10:30 - Mihaela and Chris discusing something. |
10:35 - Sisters. |
10:40 - Gabriela talking to Cathy. |
10:40 - Rainer had to answer a lot of questions. |
11:00 - Felix talked about video observations from downtown Utrech. |
11:30 - Mihaela. |
11:35 - Marc Gysens at the IMO General Assembly. |
11:45 - Rainer wrote down at what time the group photos will be taken. |
12:20 - The youngest participant is already an active meteor observer. |
13:30 - A group photo. |
13:35 - Jure Z, Jure A, Cathy, Javor and Mirko. |
13:35 - Felix and Javor - good friends. |
14:00 - Some of the participants sleeping during the ride to Postojna Cave. |
16:00 - Some impresions from Postojna Cave. |
A well know animal living only in Slovenian caves - Proteus. |
17:30 - A small group photo in the cave. |
17:45 - MBK Team leaders on the ride back with a small train. |
17:50 - David, Dragana, Felix and Irena in front of the Cave. |
20:10 - Impresions from the Romunian Astropoetry evening. |
20:30 - David talling a limeric. |
20:30 - Also Martin was invited to have a rolle in the artshow. |