15:57 - KACJA talking with Katja Koleva. |
16:10 - ZAKJU working on the computer and preparing the IMC2001 homepage uptdates. |
16:30 - Anna Puzio talking about false radiants. |
16:50 - Nagatoshi Nogami at his presentation. |
16:55 - Strange these Chinese letters aren't they? |
17:10 - Lecture of Nicola Biliskov. |
17:30 - Nikola with some incredible news about an impact structure on the iland Krk. |
18:00 - Cathy Hall from Canada showing us some interesting slides. |
18:10 - Marc Gysens at his shop. |
18:30 - Javor welcomes you to our room. |
19:00 - Dinner is ready. |
19:10 - ZAKJU and Dunja. |
19:10 - Mirko and Chris at dinner. |
20:10 - Rainer preparing everything for his workshop. |
20:15 - Rainer talking about databases and the VMDB. |
21:00 - Hm i have no comments to that picture :-). |
21:30 - Rainer and his girlfriend. |
22:00 - All the IMC people tried Slovenian Bear. |
22:15 - Interesting discusions have taken place during the drinking part of the IMC. |
22:45 - Jure, Martin and Primoz discusing something about radio meteor observations. |
23:00 - Another look at the tables full of Lasko beer bottles. |
23:30 - Also Cathy Hall joined us for a Beer. |
00:00 - Two alcoholics or? |
01:30 - More discusions with David about the Leonids. |
02:00 - David Asher. |
02:00 - Again David, these time with a happy face. |
02:17 - Chris seems to be angry because we ran out of beer. |
02:20 - Happy people, some are going to bed other for another beer. |
03:00 - ATAJU passed out because off the amount off beer he had drunk. |
03:10 - Empty bottles of beer. |
03:15 - Niko making an stupid face. |
03:30 - The TRINOCULAR. |
03:35 - Chris thinking where to get another bottle of beer. |
03:45 - Chris is very angry becouse his alcohol concentration in blood is felling to rapidly. |
03:50 - ATAJU made some pushups. |
03:50 - Also Chris tried our way to get clear weather. |
03:50 - Primoz helping ZAKJU with the pushups. |
04:20 - Once again the TRINOCULAR. |
05:00 - A lots of stairs for a drunk man to climb. |