
The products page does not contain any materials anymore. All the products have been removed from here, because of lack of space(100MB).
All products are stored and can be obtained by contacting Natasa Kolar at her e-mail.

Archive to a first common project -pikking a logo.

Products of our work were these:
- Picking a logo for the project (an internal project on picking a logo)
- Personal identification cards for every participant
- PowerPoint presentations of Sloveia- Slovenian activity in 2005
- International meeting in Ormož - 12th-16th December 2005
- News in local papers
- DVD's about meeting in Ormoz (was sent to every school)
- picture cd's about meeting in Ormoz (was sent to every school)
- PRODUCTS OF ALL SCHOOL'S (all school have published products - thy are in archive)