About the Project
ENGLISH: In the project The retaining
of native (home) landscape for Europe today and tomorrow, will be all
involved school researching their home landscapes and we will be recognizeing
foreign landscapes. Our project will be orientated in recognizeing of
life variantation. We will research various and dangered biotops
(from farming, meliorations, polution), landscape and culture of live
(we will be establisheing the meaning of varority of speaces for the culture
of living, changeing biotops and researching influence off all this on
microclime contidions and prezenting our land park). We will research
tipical and critical animal and plant speaces.
Project will be importatn for pupils, teachers and local commnunity. We will ampart to us care for retaining of native (home) landscape, varority of speaces, we will learn basics of wealthy nature and culture heratage. We wont to find ways of protecting the local aerea to increase the community`s awareness of the risks of pollution and rising the ecological level of education.
In resourching geographyics and biologic indicaters, we will give big importanc to ecology and with this we will contribute to retaining of our home landscape and in the same time we will contribute to maintaining of beautys of Europe.
Projekt bo pomemben za ucence, ucitelje in lokalno skupnost. S projektnim delom se bomo naucili skrbi za ohranjanje domace pokrajine in življenjske pestrosti, spoznavali bodo osnove bogate naravne in kulturne dedišcine, usposabljali se bomo za iskanje rešitev, kako ohraniti in predstaviti našo naravno in kulturno dedišcino doma in v tujini.
Ob raziskovanju geografskih in bioloških znacilnosti bomo velik poudarek namenili ekologiji in s tem pripomogli k ohranjanju naše domace pokrajine in hkrati ohranjanju lepot Evrope.