Black Ops 3 III - Specialists

Black Ops 3 multiplayer features a new "Specialist" character system. Players choose one of nine different elite black ops soldiers to be their multiplayer avatar - each character has their own look, voice, unique special weapon and ability. Each Specialist is individually ranked up and can unlock new gear and other customization options.

Specialist Avatars

You must choose one Specialist before a match and it can't be changed midway through. You must also choose if you want to take either their special weapon or ability, as you can't have both selected.

As you play, your power meter fills up slowly over time, but it can be accelerated by taking out enemies and completing objectives. Once the meter is full, you can activate your Specialist weapon or ability at any time. If you die, your power meter doesn't reset and you can continue where you left off. The power meter is reset once the weapon or ability is used up or you die while using it.



Gravity Spikes (Weapon)

Gravity Spikes

                                                                                                                                                                                         Once slammed to the ground the spikes create an explosive shockwave      



Overdrive (Ability)


Enables a temporary burst of speed. Extremely useful for objective running since it can be triggered when you need it the most.



Sparrow (Weapon)


                                                                                                                                                                 Bow that fires explosive bolts. Each bolt does more damage the longer the bow is drawn.

Sparrow First Person View

Sparrow first person view.

Vision Pulse (Ability)

Vision Pulse
Sonic ping that reveals nearby enemies as red targets. Can be used to nail targets  through walls if your weapon has the penetration power for it.
Vision Pulse Activated



Tempest (Weapon)


Fires an arc of electricity, shocking the target and also bouncing to nearby enemies within range. Each shot takes a second to charge up before being fired.

Tempest ADS


Hacks the battlefield simulation grid and teleports you back a few seconds.

Glitch (Ability)




War Machine (Weapon)

War Machine

Grenade launcher that shoots bouncing grenades with a short timer. The grenades detonate instantly when they come in contact with an enemy.

Kinetic Armor (Ability)

Kinetic Armor

Deflects enemy bullets away from your body while active. Headshots and explosives do damage regardless.



Annihilator (Weapon)


                                                                                                                                                            High-caliber revolver that fires powerful rounds capable of taking out enemies in one-hit.

Combat Focus (Ability)

Combat Focus

Once activated, all score earned towards Scorestreaks will have a bonus multiplier.



H.I.V.E. (Weapon)


Launcher that shoots Nano Drone Grenades that stick to any surface. Once an enemy gets near it, the grenade releases a swarm of nano drones that instantly eliminate the target.

Rejack (Ability)


Once you die, you can inject a nanoparticle serum to your arm that will revive you. This is similar to the "Last Stand" perk and "Final Stand" deathstreak from MW2 and MW3, but you can't do anything until you revive yourself.


Scythe (Weapon)


                                                                                                                                                              Activates an arm-integrated quad-barrel minigun with 200 rounds.

Scythe Deployed

Psychosis (Ability)


Hacks the enemy HUD so that they will see three simulated decoy Reapers. Each decoy moves around the map on its own, but they won't engage enemies and can be easily destroyed.



Ripper (Weapon)


Twin blades that extend your melee attacks range.

Active Camo (Ability)

Active Camo

Renders you temporarily invisible.

You aren't completely invisible, though, as enemies can still spot your optical camouflage up close - especially if you are on the move.



Purifier (Weapon)


Powerful flamethrower for room clearing.

Purifier First Person View

Heat Wave (Ability)

Heat Wave

Heat Wave that damages and stuns nearby enemies. Enemy equipment will also be destroyed by the blast.