Wheelchair Guy.
Main article: Wheelchair Guy
Wheelchair Guy is the first character created for Happy
Wheels , being made in 2006. He rides in a rocket-powered
Before Ejection
Up - Accelerate
Down - Slow/Reverse
Right - Lean right
Left - Lean left
Z - Eject
Shift - Rotate jet clockwise
Ctrl - Rotate jet counter-clockwise
Space - Fire jet
After Ejection
Up - Straighten arms and legs
Down - Curl into ball
Left - Push all joints up excluding head
Right - Straighten legs and press arms forwards
Shift - Raise arm 1 and leg 2
Ctrl - Raise arm 2 and leg 1
Space - Grab
Segway Guy
Segway Guy.
Main article: Segway
Segway Guy is one of the original four characters.
Before Ejection
Up - Accelerate
Down - Slow/Reverse
Left - Lean backwards
Right - Lean forwards
Z - Eject
Shift - Straighten legs Up
Ctrl - Bend legs down
Space - Jump
After Ejection
Up - Straighten arms and legs
Down - Curl into ball
Left - Push all joints backwards excluding head
Right - Straighten legs and press arms forwards
Space - Grab
Ctrl - Bend knee 1, straighten knee 2, shift arms.
Shift - Bend knee 2, straighten knee 1, shift arms other
Irresponsible Dad.
Main article: Irresponsible Dad
Irresponsible Dad is one of the original four
characters. He is the first character to have more than one character
on the vehicle.
Before Ejection
Up - Accelerate
Down - Slow/Reverse
Left - Lean back
Right - Lean forward
Z - Eject both
Shift - Eject father
Ctrl - Eject boy
Space - Brake
C - Change camera to view boy
After Ejection
Up - Straighten arms and legs
Down - Curl into ball
Left - Push all joints backwards excluding head
Right - Straighten legs and press arms forwards
Space - Grab
Effective Shopper.
Main article: Effective Shopper
Effective Shopper is one of the original four
characters. She can only be highlighted in the demo , as she is not playable (this is done to
have users visit Total Jerkface for the full game). She
rides a motorized scooter packed with groceries.
Before Ejection
Up - Accelerate
Down - Reverse
Left - Lean Left
Right - Lean Right
Z - Eject
Space - Jump
Shift- Nothing
Ctrl- Nothing
After Ejection
Up - Straighten arms and legs
Down - Curl into ball
Left - Push all joints backwards excluding head
Right - Straighten legs and press arms forwards
Space - Grab
Ctrl - Bend knee 1, straighten knee 2, shift arms
Shift - Bend knee 2, straighten knee 1, shift arms
other way
Moped Couple
Moped Couple.
Main article: Moped Couple
The Moped Couple was added on November 19th, 2010, and
was the addition in V1.20.
Before Ejection
Up - Accelerate
Down - Slow/Reverse
Left - Lean back
Right - Lean forwards
Z - Eject man - The woman will remain holding the man if Z
is pressed repeatedly.
Shift - Eject woman
Space - Speed boost
Ctrl - Brake
C - Change camera to view woman
After Ejection
Up - Straighten arms and legs
Down - Curl into ball
Left - Push all joints backwards excluding head
Right - Straighten legs and press arms forwards
Space - Grab
Lawnmower Man
Lawnmower Man.
Main article: Lawnmower Man
Lawnmower Man was added on May 20th, 2011, and was the
only addition in V1.40. He rides a lawnmower, and can grind up NPCs with the blade.
Before Ejection
Up - Accelerate
Down - Slow/Reverse
Left - Lean back
Right - Lean forwards
Z - Eject
Space - Jump
Ctrl - Nothing
Shift - Nothing
After Ejection
Up - Straighten arms and legs
Down - Curl into ball
Left - Push all joints backwards excluding head
Right - Straighten legs and press arms forwards
Space - Grab
Ctrl - Straighten arms
Shift - Bend knee 2, straighten knee 1, shift arms
other way.
Explorer Guy
Explorer Guy.
Main article: Explorer Guy
Explorer Guy was added on July 22nd, 2011, along with
the rail ,
in V1.45. He rides in a minecart that can attach to rails.
Before Ejection
Up - Accelerate
Down - Reverse
Left - Lean backwards
Right - Lean forwards
Z - Eject
Shift - Lean Explorer Guy forward
Ctrl - Lean Explorer Guy backward
Space - When held, attaches cart to rails
After Ejection
Up - Straighten arms and legs
Down - Curl into ball
Left - Push all joints backwards excluding head
Right - Straighten legs and press arms forwards
Space - Grab
Santa Claus
Santa Claus.
Main article: Santa Claus
Santa Claus was added December 22nd, 2011, and is the
first triple playable character to be added to the game (the
second, Irresponsible Mom , was added later). He
is also the largest character.
Before Ejection
Up - Accelerate
Down - Reverse
Right - Lean sled right along with elves
Left - Lean the sled a bit left
Z - Eject all characters
Ctrl- Nothing
Shift - Cuts elves loose after they die or lose legs
Space - Float
C - Change camera to view elves
After Ejection
Up - Straighten arms and legs
Down - Curl into ball
Left - Push all joints up including head
Right - Straighten legs and press arms forwards
Shift - Take control of the elves, but not Santa
Ctrl - (same as Shift)
Space - Grab
Pogostick Man
Pogostick Man.
Main article: Pogostick Man
Pogostick Man was added April 13th, 2012 and was the
first character released in 2012. His voice files were provided by
YouTuber UberHaxorNova .
Before Ejection
Up - Bounce forward
Down - Bounce backward
Left - Roll forward
Right - Roll backward
Z - Eject
Shift - Straighten body
Ctrl - Crouch down
Space - Force bounce; hold to charge; if used while holding
up, force bounce forward
After Ejection
Up - Straighten arms and legs
Down - Curl into ball
Left - Push all joints backwards excluding head
Right - Straighten legs and press arms forwards
Shift - Bend knee 2, straighten knee 1, shift arms
Ctrl - Bend knee 1, straighten knee 2, shift arms other way
Space - Grab
Irresponsible Mom.
Main article: Irresponsible Mom
Irresponsible Mom was added to the game September 21st,
2012. This character is the second to consist of three different
characters (the first being Santa Claus). She is also the first
character whose vehicle has three wheels, and her baby, seated in the
basket on the front of the bicycle, is the first light weight rider to
receive a boost upon ejection.
Before Ejection
Up - Accelerate
Down - Reverse
Left - Lean backward
Right - Lean forward
Z - Eject all characters
Shift - Eject Baby
Ctrl - Eject Little Girl
Space - Brakes
C - Change camera to view little girl and baby
After Ejection
Up - Straighten arms and legs
Down - Curl into ball
Left - Push all joints backwards excluding head
Right - Straighten legs and press arms forwards
Space - Grab
Helicopter Man.
Main article: Helicopter Man
Helicopter Man is the eleventh character to be
added to Happy Wheels. He flies an autogyro, making him the first
character so far to be capable of true and sustained flight.
Before Ejection
Up - Ascend
Down - Descend
Left - Tilt left
Right - Tilt right
Z - Eject
Shift - Raise magnet
Ctrl - Lower magnet
Space - Enable/disable magnet
After Ejection
Up - Straighten arms and legs
Down - Curl into ball
Left - Push arms and legs backwards
Right - Straighten legs and press arms forwards
Shift - Push out arms
Ctrl - Pull in arms
Space - Grab
Guy's wheelchair.
Dad's bike.
Shopper's motorized shopping cart.
Man's lawnmower.
Guy's mine cart.
Man's pogo stick.
Mom's bike.
Man's autogyro.