Almagest Ephemeris Calculator

This web page is organized as follows: Note: This web page is best viewed with a Netscape browser and a minimum horizontal screen size of 800 pixels. On slower computers the calendar and ephemeris modules will also run much faster under Netscape browsers than under MS Internet Explorer browsers.

Click on the image for more information on this and other portraits of Claudius PtolemyIntroduction

This web page provides a set of JavaScript calendar and ephemeris modules for calculating geocentric luni-solar and planetary positions for an arbitrary calendar date and time according to the kinematical models of the Sun, the Moon and the planets described in the Almagest (also known as the Mathematike Syntaxis) of Claudius Ptolemy (c. 150 AD).

The mean motions of the Sun, the Moon and the planets adopted in these modules correspond exactly with Ptolemy’s mean motion tables and the corrections for their eccentric and epicyclic motions are accurately modelled according to the luni-solar and planetary models discussed by Ptolemy in his Almagest.

As Ptolemys tables were probably used most often for astrological rather than for astronomical computations, a table displaying the astrological aspects between the luminaries (and the lunar ascending node) with some other astrological quantities is also provided.

At present, latitudes are given only for the Sun (this is always zero) and the Moon. In the near future, latitudes and distances will also be supplied for the other luminaries.

How to Use the Almagest Ephemeris Calculator

When the web page is loaded the ephemeris calculator automatically selects the epoch date for the tables in Ptolemys Almagest as the default date. This corresponds with mean noon at the meridian of Alexandria on 1 Thoth 1 Nabonassar (or 26 February 747 BC in the proleptic Julian calendar, around 10h UT). Other dates and times can be inputted directly in the calendar date module (at present only in the “mobile” Egyptian calendar) or can be set with the “Adjust date and time” module that allows for temporal adjustments ranging from 1-second to 100-year intervals.

Dates, Calendars and Time in the Almagest

The tables in the Almagest are based on the ancient version of the Egyptian calendar with a constant year length of 365 days and no intercalary days. The epoch of the tables is fixed on the first year of the reign of the Babylonian king Nabu-nasir (Nabonassar, reigned 747-734 BC) as this predated the earliest (Babylonian) observations that were available to Ptolemy. Compared with the Julian calendar, the dates in this calendar shift one day in every four years and it is therefore often referred to as the “mobile” or “wandering” Egyptian calendar.

Ptolemy makes no reference in the Almagest to the more modern version of the Egyptian calendar that was introduced in 26 BC (or 30 BC, as some sources suggest) by the Roman emperor Augustus. This calendar, commonly referred to as the Alexandrian or “fixed” Egyptian calendar, remained in step with the Julian calendar (introduced in the Rome Empire in 46 BC by Julius Caesar) by inserting an intercalary day (a 6th epagomenal day) every four years at the end of the year preceding the (Roman) year that contained the Julian leap day. Although no use was made of the Alexandrian calendar in the Almagest, a conversion to this calendar is provided as it was commonly used by many later Greek astronomers and astrologers.

Note that both the Julian as the Alexandrian calendars are here represented in their “ideal” (or proleptic) forms and do not implement the incorrect use of Julius Caesar’s quadrennial leap year rule before 8 AD. For details on the actual use of these calendars in Egypt during the reign of Augustus, cf. Snyder (1943) and Skeat (1993, 2001) – for an alternative view, cf. Hagedorn (1994) and Jones (2000).

The calendar module also provides a tentative conversion to the Greek astronomical calendar of Callippus as described by Geminus (Elementa astronomiae VIII.50-60) and often referred to in the Almagest. The conversion is based on a reconstruction of this arithmetical luni-solar calendar from the data in the Almagest by Fotheringham (1924) and Van der Waerden (1960, 1984), with additional constraints derived from other sources by Jones (2000). It assumes that in every 76-year cycle each 64th day is omitted (as well as the last day at the end of the cycle) and that seven years in each 19-year Metonic sub cycle have an intercalated month (Poseideon II in the years 1, 6 & 14, and Skirophorion II in the years 3, 9, 11 & 17). The Callippic calendar is assumed to commence on 28 June 330 BC (proleptic), at sunset following the New Moon after the summer solstice. Other reconstruction schemes are also possible but this appears to be the simplest one that satisfies nearly all known Callippic dates. The Callippic date converter should be used with caution but it may be useful in identifying new Callippic dates that in turn can help to refine our incomplete knowledge of this calendar.

In Ptolemy’s time the day in the Egyptian calendar started at sunrise and noon was defined as 6 (seasonal or unequal) hours after sunrise. Likewise, sunset occurred 12 seasonal hours after sunrise with midnight occurring 6 nocturnal hours later. The lengths of these diurnal and nocturnal hours depend both on the observer’s latitude as on the season which makes them cumbersome for use in astronomical calculations.

Ptolemy therefore adopted hours of equal length (also known as equinoctial hours) in his tables and shifted the epoch from sunrise to mean local noon (6 hours) at the meridian of Alexandria. Sunrise, as measured in equal hours, will then on average occur around 0 hours but somewhat earlier during the spring-summer seasons and somewhat later during the autumn-winter seasons. Sunset, likewise, will on average occur around 12 equal hours after sunrise but somewhat later during the spring-summer seasons and somewhat earlier during the autumn-winter seasons.

Note that dates between sunset and sunrise are commonly indicated in the Almagest as a double date (the first referring to the current day, the second to the day starting after the next sunrise). For the conversion from Alexandria mean local time to Universal Time (Greenwich Mean Time), a longitude difference of exactly 30º 0' 0" between Alexandria and Greenwich has been adopted.

For conversion to other ancient astronomical prime meridians, contemporary astronomers would have used current estimates for their longitude difference with Alexandria (referred to by Ptolemy as the “Metropolis of all Egypt”). The most comprehensive and authoritative compilation of geographical longitudes and latitudes in antiquity was also compiled by Ptolemy and is commonly known as the Geographica.

The following table lists some well-known ancient cities that have functioned as astronomical meridians in the past with their geographical longitudes and inferred time offsets relative to Alexandria as tabulated in Ptolemy’s Geographica.

Ancient Astronomical Prime Meridians
Time offset
+1h 14m
Jerusalem (Hierosolyma)
+0h 22m
+0h 00m
Constantinople (Byzantium)
–0h 18m
Athens (harbour)
–0h 36m
–1h 35m

Note that Ptolemy’s geographical longitudes are measured eastwards from the “Fortunate Isles”, commonly identified with the Canary Islands. In the near future, a complete online version of Ptolemys Geographica will be available at Bill Thayer’s website Ptolemy: The Geography.

Predicting Equinoxes, Solstices, Syzygies, Planetary Stations and Planetary Aspects

The JavaScript modules can also be used for predicting the date and time (to the nearest second if desired, although this accuracy was unattainable with the time-measuring devices then available) of the astronomical seasons, the lunar phases (syzygies), planetary stations (when a planet’s motion in longitude changes from direct to retrograde or from retrograde to direct) and planetary aspects such as conjunctions or oppositions between any pair of planets.

For instance, to determine the date of the vernal equinox (when the true solar longitude is 0º) for a given year, input a first estimate (say 25 March, the traditional Roman date) in the calendar module and click on to the solar position module. There a true solar longitude value will be given close to 360º/0º. Adjust the time with the “Adjust date and time” module (only the ±1-day and smaller unit buttons will be necessary) until the true solar longitude is as near to 0º as you want it to be. Return to the calendar module to obtain the predicted calendar date and time (referred to the meridian of Alexandria) for the vernal equinox of that year.

Likewise, the dates of the other astronomical seasons can be derived by homing in to a true solar longitude of 90º (summer solstice), 180º (autumnal equinox) or 270º (winter solstice). For lunar phases, go to the lunar position module (after inputting a first estimate in the calendar module) and home in to a true luni-solar elongation of 0º (New Moon), 90º (First Quarter), 180º (Full Moon) or 270º (Last Quarter).

For planetary stations and planetary aspects, go to the luni-solar and planetary aspect module and follow similar procedures. The latter module can also be used to determine when a specific zodiacal sign (or one of its smaller partitions) is occupied or vacated by the Sun, the Moon or a planet.

A Note on Notation and the Accuracy of the Almagest Ephemeris Calculator

Angular quantities calculated by the various JavaScript modules are expressed in degrees and decimal parts while angular quantities in the text are generally expressed in sexagesimal notation (this is indicated by the use of the semicolon ; separating the integer number of degrees from its sexagesimal parts).

Note that in order to obviate the necessity of including bulky double-argument tables for correcting the mean positions of the Moon and the planets to their true positions, Ptolemy introduced some simplifications that made it possible to considerably compress the correction tables in the Almagest. The results obtained from this web page will therefore slightly deviate from the results obtained directly from Ptolemy’s tables but the difference will never amount to more than a few minutes of arc.

The mathematical representations of Ptolemy’s kinematical models used in the JavaScript modules are explained in detail in various publications listed in the bibliography: especially useful in this respect are the works of Neugebauer (1957, 1975), Pedersen (1974), North (1976), Evans (1998) and Jacobsen (1999). Computer animations of Ptolemy’s kinematical models have been prepared by Glenn van Brummelen (1998) and can be downloaded from the website mentioned in the bibliography.

Calendar Date Module

Calendar Module
Egyptian calendar date
(sunrise epoch)
Era Nabonassar
Other eras used
in the Almagest
Era Philippus († Alexander)
Era Augustus
Era Hadrianus
Era Antoninus
Callippic date
(sunset epoch)
Alexandria time (mean local since mean sunrise)
Alexandrian calendar date
(sunrise epoch)
Era Diocletianus
Nabonassar Day Number
Julian Day Number
Julian calendar date
(midnight epoch)
Anno Domini
Universal Time (Greenwich Mean Time)
Adjust date
and time
Click here for the precession in longitude and the obliquity of the ecliptic, the position of the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn or a table listing the luni-solar and planetary aspects.

The Precession in Longitude and the Obliquity of the Ecliptic

Precession and Obliquity of the Ecliptic Module
Precession in longitude since the epoch of the tables (1 Thoth 1 Nabonassar)
Precession in longitude since the epoch of the star catalogue (1 Thoth 885 Nabonassar)
Offset from the sidereal equinox of the “ancient astrologers” (after Theon of Alexandria)
Obliquity of the ecliptic
Adjust date
and time
Return to the calendar date module.

The Position of the Sun

Solar Module
  Mean  longitude
Longitude solar apogee
Mean anomaly (measured from the solar apogee)
Equation of centre (prosthaphairesis)
Right ascension
Solar equation of time (minutes)
Distance (terrestrial radii)
Parallax (minutes of arc)
Adjust date
and time
Return to the calendar date module.

The Position of the Moon

Lunar Module
  Mean longitude
Mean longitude apogee
Longitude ascending node lunar orbit
Mean anomaly (measured from the lunar apogee)
Mean luni-solar elongation
Equation of anomaly (prosneusis)
True anomaly
Equation of centre (prosthaphairesis)
Latitude argument (measured from lunar node + 90º)
Right ascension
True luni-solar elongation
Adjust date
and time
Return to the calendar date module.

The Position of Mercury

Mercury Module
  Mean longitude of the centre of the epicycle
Longitude apogee of the eccentre
Mean eccentric anomaly (from the apogee of the eccentre)
Mean epicyclic anomaly (from the apogee of the epicycle)
Equation of centre (prosthaphairesis)
True epicyclic anomaly
Equation of anomaly
Right ascension
True elongation from the Sun
Adjust date
and time
Return to the calendar date module.

The Position of Venus

Venus Module
  Mean longitude of the centre of the epicycle
Longitude apogee of the eccentre
Mean eccentric anomaly (from the apogee of the eccentre)
Mean epicyclic anomaly (from the apogee of the epicycle)
Equation of centre (prosthaphairesis)
True epicyclic anomaly
Equation of anomaly
Right ascension
True elongation from the Sun
Adjust date
and time
Return to the calendar date module.

The Position of Mars

Mars Module
  Mean longitude of the centre of the epicycle
Longitude apogee of the eccentre
Mean eccentric anomaly (from the apogee of the eccentre)
Mean epicyclic anomaly (from the apogee of the epicycle)
Equation of centre (prosthaphairesis)
True epicyclic anomaly
Equation of anomaly
Right ascension
True elongation from the Sun
Adjust date
and time
Return to the calendar date module.

The Position of Jupiter

Jupiter Module
  Mean longitude of the centre of the epicycle
Longitude apogee of the eccentre
Mean eccentric anomaly (from the apogee of the eccentre)
Mean epicyclic anomaly (from the apogee of the epicycle)
Equation of centre (prosthaphairesis)
True epicyclic anomaly
Equation of anomaly
Right ascension
True elongation from the Sun
Mean elongation from the mean position of Saturn
Adjust date
and time
Return to the calendar date module.

The Position of Saturn

Saturn Module
  Mean longitude of the centre of the epicycle
Longitude apogee of the eccentre
Mean eccentric anomaly (from the apogee of the eccentre)
Mean epicyclic anomaly (from the apogee of the epicycle)
Equation of centre (prosthaphairesis)
True epicyclic anomaly
Equation of anomaly
Right ascension
True elongation from the Sun
Mean elongation from the mean position of Jupiter
Adjust date
and time
Return to the calendar date module.

The Luni-Solar and Planetary Aspects

Luni-Solar & Planetary Aspect Module
Lunar node
Select orb of influence
Adjust date
and time
Rulerships and Special Degrees
Sign & degree
Sign ruler
Decan ruler
Term ruler
Arc exaltation
Select longitude system
Degree notation system
Select term ruler system
Return to the calendar date module.

Aspects and orbs of influence

The above table lists the aspects (based on a 2-, 3-, 4- and 6-fold division of the circle) that are commonly encountered in classical, Islamic and medieval astrological texts: According to Greek and Islamic astrological traditions a luminary is considered to be “tashriq” or “under the rays” of the Sun when its angular distance from the Sun’s centre is: Within 0;16º of the Sun’s centre a luminary is termed “cazimi”, derived from the Arabic indicating that it is in the “heart” of the Sun, and up to 6º from the Sun’s centre a luminary is termed “combust”.

The lower left half of the first table lists the aspects while the angular differences (in degrees and decimal parts) in ecliptic longitude are tabulated in the upper right half of the table.

Signs and sign rulers

The second table lists the sign and degree within the sign for each luminary with some further astrological quantities. The signs are abbreviated as follows: Ar = Aries, Ta = Taurus, Ge = Gemini, Cn = Cancer, Le = Leo, Vi = Virgo, Li = Libra, Sc = Scorpius, Sg = Sagittarius, Ca = Capricornus, Aq = Aquarius and Ps = Pisces.

The sign ruler (also known as the domicile lord) is the planet that is traditionally assigned to rule over each of the signs: Saturn is said to rule over Capricornus and Aquarius, Jupiter over Sagittarius and Pisces, Mars over Aries and Scorpius, the Sun over Leo, Venus over Taurus and Libra, Mercury over Gemini and Virgo and finally, the Moon over Cancer.

Tropical versus sidereal longitudes

Ptolemy’s ecliptic longitudes are measured with respect to the First Point of Aries (i.e. the place occupied by the Sun at the vernal equinox) and are therefore known as tropical longitudes. According to Ptolemy, the Greek astronomer Hipparchus of Nicaea (c. 150 BC) discovered that this point (0º Aries) slowly shifts westwards with respect to the fixed stars. The rate of the precession of the equinoxes, as it is commonly called, was estimated by Ptolemy to be about 1º in 100 Egyptian years.

Theon of Alexandria (Small Commentary on Ptolemy’s Handy Tables 12) mentions a tradition of ancient astrologers” to measure ecliptic longitudes from a reference point that oscillated 8º backwards and forwards with respect to the stars. Some 128 years before the reign of the Roman emperor Augustus (around 158 BC), this reference point was supposed to be at its farthest limit 8º away from the (tropical) First Point of Aries but since then it had been moving towards it at a rate of 1º in every 80 Egyptian years. From Theon’s description one can infer that after its coincidence with the (tropical) First Point of Aries (which would occur in AD 483, long after Theon’s time), this reference point was believed to reverse in direction again and move away from it at the same rate, thus repeating its backward and forward motions in a 1280-year cycle.

Though the sidereal longitude system is supported here (it is often encountered in Greek astrological papyri), the tropical longitude system is chosen as default as this was the system that was used by Ptolemy (and recommended by Theon of Alexandria) for astronomical calculations.

Decan rulers

The “decans” are divisions (of Egyptian origin) of each sign into three 10º sections, each of which is associated with a planetary ruler (prosopa” or “planetary face). According to Firmicus Maternus (Mathesis II.4) and Paulus of Alexandria (Isagoge 4) the sequence of decan rulers follows the traditional sequence of the planets (Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon), starting with Mars as the ruler of the first decan of Aries and ending with Mars as the ruler of the last decan of Pisces.

Term rulers

The terms are sections of unequal lengths dividing the signs, each of which are ruled by one of the five star-like planets (thus excluding the Sun and the Moon). Ptolemy describes three such pentazone systems in his Tetrabiblos (I.20-21): one attributed to the “Chaldeans” (i.e. Babylonians), one to the Egyptians” (probably referring to the 2nd-century BC astrologers Nechepso and Petosiris) and one attributed to an ancient manuscript but commonly known as Ptolemys system.

A variant system by Vettius Valens (Anthologiae III.6[9]) also assigns terms in each sign to the Sun and the Moon. Note that both the Chaldean system as the heptazone system of Vettius Valens distinguish between day- and night-time term rulers. In the Chaldean system the planets Mercury and Saturn switch positions depending on whether the Sun is above or below the horizon: in the system of Vettius Valens the planets Venus and Jupiter also switch positions with those of the Moon and the Sun.

Note that Ptolemys pentazone system is also mentioned by Vettius Valens (Anthologiae I.3), who, however, gives different lengths and rulers for the terms of Libra. The aspect module adopts the Egyptian system as default as this was the most commonly used system in the Greek horoscopes that are known to us.


The “monomoiria” are the planets associated with each degree of the zodiac. Of the various monomoiria systems described in the astrological literature the system of Vettius Valens (Anthologiae IV.26) has been implemented in the aspect module (cf. Neugebauer & Van Hoesen, 1959, p. 10).


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