YANG Liu 6.10.1978 -
Kitajska pilotka in prva kitajska astronavtka, ki je na Shenzhou 16.6.2012 poletela v vesolje.
Na bloku BG-5086 sta tudi Valentina Tereškova in Sally Ride.

She is a Chinese pilot and astronaut who served as a crew member on the space mission Shenzhou 9.On 16 June 2012, Liu became the first Chinese woman in space.
On small sheet
BG-5086 are also Valentina Tereškova and Sally Ride.

                                      BG -

YAPING Deng 5.2.1973 -
Kitajska igralka namiznega tenisa je bila bila že šestkrat svetovna prvakinja. Na OI 1992 in 1996 je vsakič osvojila po dve zlati medalji, kot posameznica in v parih. Smatrajo jo za največjo iglrako namiznega tenisa v zgodovini. 

She is a Chines table tennis player, who won six world championships and four gold medals in OG 1992 and 1996, in both the singles and doubles competitions. She is regarded as one of the greatest players in the history of the sport.

             S - 2957

YOKO Ono 18.2.1933 -
Japonsko-ameriška glasbenica in umetnica je najbolj znana kot žena Johna Lennona člana skupine Beatles.
Na znamki IS-1214 je njen
Live-Streams Imagine Peace Tower

Yoko Ono Lennon is a Japanese-American musican and artist probably best known as the widow of John Lennon of The Beatles. She was an artist in the avant garde art world until she achieved worldwide fame through her relationship and eventual marriage to Lennon. She currently resides in New Yourk City.
On stamp
IS-1214 is her Live-Streams Imagine Peace Tower.

DK - ?2018: At the age of 84, the world-famous artist Yoko Ono is making her debut as a stamp designer. The minisheet of two stamps created on the initiative of Yoko Ono features strong universal messages such as "Dream", written in the centre of a yellow moon, and "Smile", which adorns the heart of a yellow sun.

                       GI - 878                                         GI - 879                                      IS - 1214

Yourcenar Marguerite 8.6.1903 - 17.12.1987
Francoska pisateljica in učenjakinja Marguerite (pravo ime: Marguerite de Crayencour) je bila leta 1981 sprejeta v Francosko akademijo kot prva ženska članica. Od leta 1940 je sicer živela v ZDA, vendar je pisala v francoščini. Pisala je romane, kritične eseje, igre in pesmi. Najbolj znana je po svojem romanu Hadrijanovi spomini.

The novelist and scholar Marguerite Yourcenar (pseudonym of Marguerite de Crayencour), was the first woman member of the Academie Francaise, inducted in 1981. She wrote in French but had lived in the United States since 1940. Best known among her novels, critical essays, plays, and poetry was the novel The Memoirs of Hadrian (1951). Other works: The Abyss (1976), The Dark Brain of Piranesi and Other Essays (1984), Alexis (1984), Oriental Tales (1985), and the posthumous Dear Departed (1992).

                     F -2953                            B - 3271

gor - up