Šaginjan Marietta Sergejevna 2.4.1888 - 1982
Ruska pisateljica armenskega porekla je pisala romane o revoluciji in državljanski vojni. Na začetku je pisala pesmi (Pervye vstreči, "First Encounters", 1909; Orientalia, 1913). Po revoluciji pa je začela pisati prozo (Peremena "Change", 1924; Kik, 1929). Uspešnica je bil roman Gidrocentral ("The Hidrocentrale", 1931). Leta 1957 je napisala roman o Leninovi družini "the Ulyanov family".

Russian writer started her career with collections of poems exotic and religious theme (Pervye vstreči, "First Encounters", 1909; Orientalia, 1913). After the revolution passed to the narrative (Peremena "Change", 1924; Kik, 1929). Her big success was novel Gidrocentral ("The Hidrocentrale", 1931). In 1957 she wrote a novel "the Ulyanov.

             SU - 5812

ŠATRIJOS Ragana 3.8.1877 - 24.7.1930
Najbolj znani knjigi litvanska pisateljice sta Sename dvarea in Irkos tragedija.

She was Lithuanian writer. Her most successful books are Sename dvare (In old estate) and Irkos tragedija (Tragedy of Irka).

           LT - 783

Šekarić Jasna 17.12.1965 -
Jugoslovanska športnica - strelka. S tem športom se je začela ukvarjati leta 1980 v Osijeku. Je najuspešnejša športnica Jugoslavije, saj je sodelovala je na petih OI, kjer je osvojila pet medalj: 1988 s Seulu zlato medaljo z zračno pištolo in bronasto s športno pištolo, leta 1992 v Barceloni srebrno medaljo z zračno pištolo, v Sydneyu leta 2000 srebrno medaljo z zračno pištolo in v Atenah leta 2004 srebrno medaljo z zračno pištolo. Trikrat je bila izbrana za svetovno strelko leta, mednarodna strelska federacija ji je leta 2000 podelila naziv "Strelka tisočletja".

She is a Serbian sport shooter. She has won one Olympic gold medal and three World Championships in the 10 m air pistol. In 1992, she lost the Olympic gold despite having the same score as winner Marina Logvinenko. Šekarić was elected world's best shooter of the year thrice (1990, 1994 and 2005), and the International Shooting Sport Federation awarded her the title of “Shooter of the Millennium” in 2000. Furthermore she was a three-time world champion (Budapest 1987, Sarajevo 1989, and Milan 1994). Apart from that, she was a four-time European champion in the individual competitions (Espoo 1986; Manchester 1991, Budapest 1992, Budapest 1996, and Belgrade 2005).
Srpska krajina - 61

ŠELINGOVA Zdenka 24.12.1916 - 31.7.1955
Prva slovaška svetnica je bila nuna reda Svetega križa. Končala je medicinsko šolo, obvezno samostansko šolo in se 30.1.1937 zaobljubila in prevzela rodovno ime Zdenka. Kot medicinska sestra je delala v Humenné, od leta 1942 dalje pa v na Bratislavski državni bolnišnici v oddelku za rentgen. Po drugi svetovni vojni je pomagala pri pobegu zaprtemu duhovniku, ki se je zdravil v bolnici za posledicami mučenja. Policija jo je aretirala. Obsodili so jo na 12 let zapora in na 10 let izgube državljanskih pravic. Leta 1955 so jo hudo bolno izpustili. Papež Janez Pavel II jo je 14. septembra 2003 na svojem tretjem obisku na Slovaškem proglasil za svetnico.

She is the first Slovak woman to be beatified. She was nun of the merciful sisters of the Holy Cross. She finished medical school and compulsory convent education and on 30 January 1937 she took her first vows and received her convent name - Zdenka. As a medical nurse, she first worked in Humenné, and from 1942 onwards at Bratislava State Hospital’s X-ray ward. After WW II she helped an imprisoned priest to escape while he was being treated at the hospital for the effects of torture. The State Security Service arrested her and she was finally sentenced to 12 years of imprisonment and condemned to 10 years of civic rights loss. When it was clear that due to severe health problems she had no more than one year left to live, she was released on amnesty on 16 April 1955 . Pope John Paul II, beatified her in Bratislava on 14 September 2003 during his third visit to Slovakia.

          SK - 509

Ševčova Ljubov 8.9.1924 - 1943
Ukrajinska komunistka in domoljubka. V času nemške okupacija je kot članica vojaške mladinske Mlade garde, raznašala letake, pomagala vojakom rdeče armade, sodelovala v vojaških akcijah proti Nemcem. Januarja 1943 so jo z nekaj  sodelavci ujeli  Nemci, mučili in ubili.
Ukrainian communist, patriot .

SU - 864

Šimerova-MartinČekova Ester 23.1.1909 - 7.8.2005
Slovaška slikarka je študirala v Parizu.
Na znamki
CZ-2934 je njena slika: Tulipani.
Na znamki
SK-801 je njena slika: Šahovksa kompozicija.

Slovak painter.

CZ - 2934                                   SK - 801

100 let prve litvanske opere Birute

The first Lithuanian opera Birutė by Mikas Petrauskas and Gabrielius Landsbergis Žemkalnis was produced in 1906.

            LT - 918

Šoltesova Marothy Elena 6.1.1855 - 11.3.1939
Slovaška pisateljica, literarna kritičarka, esejistka in narodna aktivistka je bila od leta 1894 predsednica, podpredsednica in častni predsednica slovaške ženske zveze Žineva (slovanska boginja življenja). Bila je promotorka izobraževanja žensk. Njen oče je pesnik Daniel Marothy. Svoje šolanje je končala leta 1867 stara komaj dvanajst let. Leta 1880 je postala članica odbora zveze Žineva. Skupaj z Tereso Mansovo sta načrtovali kako izboljšati izobraževanje slovaških deklet. Ustanovili sta prvo slovaško višjo šolo za ženske. Njen prvenec je kratka zgodba Na dedine (V vasi - 1881). Leta 1885 je napisala dnevniški roman Moje Deti (Moji otroci) eno od pomembnih del v slovaški književnosti.

She is first Slovak woman writer to be accepted into the national literary canon; literary critic, essayist and national activist, from 1894 President, Vice-president and Honorary president of the Slovak women`s association Žineva (slavic Goddness of life); promoter of women`s educartion.  Her father was poet Daniel Marothy. She completed her school education in 1867 only twelve years old. She became a member of the Žineva committee in 1880. Together with Teresa Mansova made plans to improve the education of Slovak girls. They established first Slovak higher school for women. She made her literary debut with the short story Na dedine (In the Vilage  - 1881). In 1885 Elena wrote the diary novel Moje deti (My Children), the major work of Slovak literature.
         CZ - 912

Šorli-Puc Veselka  3.8.1949 -
Že na Akademiji za likovno umetnost v Ljubljani, kjer je diplomirala pri prof. Gabrijelu Stupici, je začela iskati svoj izraz. Njen najobsežnejši opus so poslikana okna - vitraji in jo lahko štejemo med najpomembnejše ustvarjalce slikanih oken pri nas. Na znamki: detajl motiva "Marija z detetom" z barvnega okna v cerkvi Device Marije v Polju v Bovcu Ob 800-letnici je akademska slikarka Veselka Šorli - Puc izdelala sedem barvnih oken z motivi iz Marijinega življenja. Na znamki je motiv Marije z Jezusom.

On the stamp is a detail of a Christmas scene from a stained-glass window of the church of Devica Marija v Polju (Virgin Mary in the Field) in Bovec On the occasion of its octocentenary, the Academic painter Veselka Šorli-Puc decorated seven stained-glass windows with the paintings depicting the scenes from the life of the Virgin. The stamp features the Virgin with her child.

SI -

ŠMIGUN Kristina 23.2.1977 -
Estonska smučarska tekačica, na OI 2006 je osvojila zlato medaljo v teku na 15 km prosto in v teku na 10 km klasično.

Smigun, resident of the Estonian ski resort of Otepää, is 27 years old, and has always trained under her father Anatoli Smigun. Kristina’s first Olympic race was in Lillehammer in 1994 where her best achievement was the 27th place in the 10 km pursuit. Form the world championships in Val di Fiemme in 2003 she returned with one gold medal, two silver medals and one bronze medal. Kristina Smigun has been elected the best Estonian sportswoman of the year six times and she is the third Estonian woman athlete to have won two Olympic gold medals.On OG 2006 she won two gold medals in the 7.5+7.5 km pursuit and in the 10 km classical race.

                             EE - 548                                                     EE - 550

ŠULŽENKO Klavdija 24.3.1906 - 17.6.1984
Ena najpopularnejših pevk Sovjetske zveze med 1930 in 1960. Svojo kariero je začela ob koncu dvajsetih let 20. stoletja v jazz skupinah. Slavna je postala s pesmijo La Paloma Sabastiana de Yradiersa. Med drugo svetovno vojno je nastopala v tisočih koncertih za vojake Rdeče armade, tudi v obleganem Leningradu. Za zasluge je bila odlikovana z Redom rdeče zvezde. Leta 1971 pa je dobila naziv Ljudske umetnice Sovjetske zveze. 

She was one of the most popular female singers in the Soviet Union Soviet Union between the late 1930s and 1960s. She began her career in jazz and pop bands at the end of the 1920s. To the fame she came at the end of the thirties with her version of Sebastián de Yradiers La Paloma. In 1939, she became the winner of a nationwide contest of Estrada singers. During the Second World War, Schulzenko appeared in more than a thousand concerts before Red Army soldiers in the beleaguered Leningrad and many other places. In 1945, Klavdija Schulschenko was awarded the Order of the Red Star. In 1971, Klavdija Schulschenko was given the title of a folk-artist of the USSR.

             RU - 758


gor - up