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krog_gb.gif - 680 Bytes Architect, professor at Polytechnic of Bari,Italy. Since 1986 he has held the chair of Architectural Drawing and lectures at both the Faculty of Architecture and at the faculty of Building Engineering.
His scientific activity concerns the analysis of 19TH century constructions on transformation of urban and rural territory. Research on rural settlements and country farm houses (masserie) in Puglia as characteristic elements of the landscape. Other fields of research undertaken are: a)survey analysis of the medieval Apulian town centres; b) analysis and documentation of the expansion of nineteenth century towns in Puglia.
krog_si.gif - 2517 Bytes Arhitekt, profesor na Politehniki v Bariju. Od leta 1986 vodi katedro za arhitekturno risanje in predava na fakultetah za arhitekturo in za gradbeništvo.
Znanstveno področje sega v analize konstrukcij in spremembe urbanega in podeželskega prostora. Raziskuje naselja in domačije v vernakularnem prostoru Puglije kot značilnosti krajine. Druge aktivnosti a/ analitične raziskave srednjeveških mestnih jeder, in b/ analiziranje in dokumentiranje razvoja mest devetnajstega stoletja, vse v Pugliji.

pismo.gif - 131 Bytes Politecnico di Bari
Piazza Umberto I, 1
70122 BARI
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11th conference
Slovenscina Zaščita in uporaba domačije, imenovane 'masseria' v Pugliji
English Protection and Reuse of 'Masserie' and rural Dwellings in Puglia

updated: October 2001