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si Mnogo let se je ukvarjal s konstrukcijo suhega zidu na Škotskem in za to dobil vec nagrad, med drugimi tudi Britain's Small Rural Business Award, ki ga podeljuje BBC. Bil je konzultant vec mednarodnih agencij, univerz in vlad, predvsem za arheološka najdišca, za študij in za razvoj tretjega sveta. Je clan Nacionalnega komiteja DSWA (Dry Stone Walling Association - Organizacija za suhi zid) Velike Britanije, in to že vec kot dvajset let. Trenutno je izvršni direktor Dry Stone Conservancy v Združenih državah. Napisal je vec clankov, sodeloval je pri preko sedemdesetih radijskih in televizijskih programih.
gb Richard Tufnell ran a dry stone construction business in Scotland for many years that received many awards, including Britain's Small Rural Business Award from the BBC. He has been consultant to a number of international agencies, universities and governments either with respect to major archaeological sites, training, or on techniques for third world development.
A National Committee member for the DSWA of Britain over twenty years and International Advisor for four of these, he is now Executive Director of the Dry Stone Conservancy in the United States. He has written numerous articles and been involved with over seventy radio and television programs.

pismo.gif - 131 Bytes Dry Stone Masonry Institute
3533 Winding Drive
40517 LEXINGTON Kentucky
afna.gif - 144 Bytes Drystoneuk@aol.com
www.gif - 284 Bytes
10th conference
Slovenscina Izvori in razširjenost uporabe suhega zidu v ZDA Pictures
English The origins and breadth of use of Dry Stone Masonry in the United States Pictures

updated: September 2000