LOGO.GIF - 1630 Bytes

Hang KOU

krog_gb.gif - 680 Bytes Architect. Bachelor degree (B.Arch) na Xi'an Jiatong University, China (1993). Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in Urban Design, Hong Kong University (1999).
krog_si.gif - 2517 Bytes Arhitektka. Dodiplomski študij na Xi'an Jiatong University (1993), magister filozofije iz urbanizma na Hong Kong University (1999).

pismo.gif - 131 Bytes Department of Architecture
Hong Kong University
Porkfulam Road
afna.gif - 144 Bytes hangqiang@msn.com
www.gif - 284 Bytes

11th conference
Slovenscina Preobrazba hiše (dvora) v Xi'anu na Kitajskem: zamenjava lastništva in odklon značilne oblike stanovanjske hiše
English Transformation of Courtyard House in Xi’an, China: Change of ownership and the decline of a traditional dwelling form

updated: October 2001