dr Tadeja Zupančič Strojan
The Power of Imagination
The paper acknowledges the quantum-leap progress in technology over the last decades and addresses the question regarding the match of the technological progress and the capability of space planners and designers to fully exploit the available technology and develop a better understanding of space. Availing itself of the achievements of previous Alps-Adria conferences on vernacular architecture, the presentation analyses the effectiveness of spatial cognition and interpretation in the process of the analysis, evaluation and creation of space as a dynamic entity. The paper suggests several possibilities for a rational improvement of technique effectiveness and claims that a sensitivity for space challenges imagination. The search for a balance between the abstract and concrete space representation and the use of analogy in the design process may therefore promote innovative interpretation of space as a dynamic entity, thus boasting the power of imagination. The rational exploitation of modern technologies, however, should be accompanied by a quest for obtaining the innovative character of the timeless visual language which never goes out of fashion as it surpasses the influence of media development.