dr Lenko Pleština
Short Cuts of one new-old House
The house is located inside the historic triangle: A: the Diocletian Palace in Split (Adriatic coast) B: ruins of ancient Roman city of Salona C: fortress of medivial Klis. Stony mountains (Mosor, Kozjak) are around and first parts of house , built about 150 years ago, are of stone masonry, too. At the turn of XIX/XX century six cement factories were erected nearby in the area and additional parts of house are made of concrete. These days the construction material market is global so that present glass used on house is from Italy, plywood is from Indonesia.
The most intrigating aspect of house is a process of erection- its first beginning is in the middle of XIX century and afterwards every generation added something. The most fascinating aspect is scenery around (islands of Brać, Hvar, Šolta, Vis and Čiovo, city of Split and Solin, shipyard and cement factory, cargoport and city stadium, etc) and a view on the clear night sky with thousands of twinkling stars. The most tempramental feature around is weather: summer heath (when a fire can appear easily), winter cold wind bura, unpredictible tunder storms,. The most comfortable spaces in the house are tinel (the relaxation room) , the submarine (the old grandfather celler) and the top belvedere room. The most unusual names are of big window (Picasso) , of stone pile in the garden (Malaparte) and of fireplace (Titanic). The most dominant vegetation are big trees of laurel, nut, mulberry and pytosphora , the row of iris and of course unavoidable winegrape trellis (pergola).
This house is model of growth and change, feeling of traditionalism and modernism, coexistence of old and new.
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 slika 1 / fig. 1
 slika 2 / fig. 2
 slika 3 / fig. 3
 slika 4 / fig. 4
slika 1
Giusepe Santini (venecijanski vojni inžinjer): Crtež Kliške tvrđave sa podgrađem iz 1668. godine. Razorena kuća u prvom planu mogla bi se nalaziti na lokaciji gdje su izgrađene "Pleštinove kuće" unutar kojeg sklopa je kasnije izgrađena i ova ovdje opisana kuća
fig. 1
Giusepe Santini:The Klis Fortress, drawing from 1668. Destroyed house might have been on the location of latter growing the Pleština neighborhood
slika 2
Vidikovac sa sjevernim trakastim prozorom i vizurom na tvrđavu iz 1999. godine
Pod i parapet je lakirana šperploča, a dva stolca Wasiliy su sjećanje na biro Marcela Breuera
fig. 2
Observation room with northern ribbon window and view towards the fortress. The floor is polished plywood, and two Wassily chairs are memory on the Marcel Breuer office in New York
slika 3
Podmornica-blagovaonica sa starim kamenim zidovima, drvenim stropom i stolom od orahova drveta
fig. 3
Submarine-dining room with old stone walss , wooden ceiling and nutwood table
slika 4
Gornje etaže kuće-prozor Picasso na jugu- sa avionom za gašenje požara , snimljeno pred samo ispuštanje vode na vatru nadomak kuće, 15.VIII,2000.
fig. 4
The third and forth levels of the house (Picasso window on the south) with fire brigade airplain that is going to drop water over the fire near by, 15.VIII,2000.