dr Tomaž Novljan
A Survey of Topics Discussed at ALPS-ADRIA International Conferences
The quality and quantity of contributions presented at Alps-Adria international conferences on vernacular architecture over the last ten years show that what might have been a single and static event is becoming a dynamic and cyclic examination of topics with common denominators drawing the attention of renowned presenters and sponsors. Previous conferences discussed theoretical questions concerning identity, vernacular architecture as a time- and space-entity and education. Over the years, a pattern of typical and recurrent parameters, defining scientific symposiums regardless of the branch of knowledge, has been established, including the considerable number of national and international presenters, participants and sponsors.
The following topics have been discussed at previous conferences:
A policy of the environment and spatial planning
B practice
C historical examples
D space arrangement
E demonstrations, reports
F technology, materials, (sponsors)
G special programmes
H excursions
I exhibitions
The presentation exploits the advantages of virtual space, thus transforming statistics in a dynamic pattern of rich graphic potential.