Matjaž Potrè
Department of Philosophy
Ljubljana University
Aškerèeva 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Tel: 386 1 241-1104, Fax 386 1 241 1101
There is a common opinion
that generalities guide our life and that accordingly they have normative
authority. Two presuppositions of this opinion are spelled out: that
particularist patterns are impossible, and that only generalities are able to
underpin the area of the evaluative. It is argued that both of these claims may
be undermined and that they have to be reversed.
First, particularistic
patterns are possible, and actually they are the only interesting patterns.
Second, it is probable that at least some particularist patterns are able to
underpin the area of the evaluative. Generalized form of this claim then
concedes normative authority of the particular to all interesting cases.
Normative authority is thus with particularist patterns. Generalities are not
rejected, they just do not have normative authority and they can figure as mere
epistemic generalizations.
Nothing seems more natural and accurate as the claim that
our life and actions that we undertake are all the time governed by
generalities, and accordingly that these generalities have normative authority
over our decisions to act. “Why did you tell the truth?” “Well, I told you the truth
because lying is wrong and of course I followed this general pattern.” Why are
we talking about patterns here? Well, there is this generality, which is given
by expression “Lying is wrong”. This expression captures a huge number of cases
where general rule is applied. But it does not just capture these cases as
their common denominator. It is able to capture them because it also gives
reasons about why the action happened the way it did. So generality has the
epistemic summary power over a huge number of cases, and it has this power
because it serves as a reason to act in these cases.
I concede to the
first point, namely that generality may serve as summary generalization over a
number of cases. But I take it that this is all the work that generality is
able to do. Generality is a mere epistemic generalization over a number of
cases. It cannot serve as the reason for these cases to come about. In other
words, generality does not have normative authority.
order to demonstrate this, it is first worth to articulate the mentioned
(O) Generalities have normative
Considering now that generalities are understood as being
opposed to particularities, (O) may be spelled out in the following negative
(NP) Particularities cannot have
normative authority.
Having normative authority means that whatever has it is
relevant. If, according to (O), generalities have normative authority, then
they are relevant for several particular cases to come about exactly as they
do. It is because of this general principle “Lying is wrong” that you decided
to tell the truth. So the mentioned general principle has the normative
authority in how your action has turned out, and therefore it is the relevant
thing to quote as the action gets explained.
(NP) now claims that there cannot be any similar normative authority ascribed
to the particular circumstances. The reasoning may go as follows. Take it that
something other than generalities is responsible for your telling the truth.
Take it that this was just the consequence of your opinion and of your
particular judgment in this particular situation. So you acted by following
this particularist judgment of yours in this situation that happened just once
in its singularity and that cannot be repeated. Once you bought this
explanation, you bought the normative authority of the particular. But such a
normative authority of particular just cannot be right. For it is a straight
one way ticket to anarchy. In order to have some reason, of some relevance, we
need to have generalities. For otherwise we will finish with bunch of arbitrary
and utterly diversified reasons. But already because of their diversity, such
reasons will not be able to function as reasons, they will not be relevant. How
should your particular opinion in a particular situation be right, and how can
it support anything at all? Such particularities are just not able to function
as reasons and they cannot be relevant. For once we allow for their authority,
each particular person will have her right to change reasons, for each slightly
different situation. But this will inevitably lead to conflict, when the
arbitrary subjective opinions will be promoted as relevant reasons. So
particularities are just unable to have normative authority.
here is another take at the same conclusion that particularities just cannot
have normative authority. In order to have normative authority, we first need
to have some evaluative matters or facts, say “wrong”, such as it figures in
“Lying is wrong”, or “right”. Now, these evaluative facts, according to the
uncontroversial naturalist opinion, supervene on the descriptive facts, as far
as their metaphysical nature is concerned. But now if we take particularist
departure, each particular descriptive situation D will be completely different
from its peers, so that there will be no pattern leading from D1, D2,
…, Dn to E:
D2, …, Dn → E.
In the best case there will be a pattern from D1,
D2, …, Dn to E1,
E2, …, En:
D2, …, Dn →
E1, E2, …, En.
Thus there will be a bunch of cases
D1 → E1
But this just means that each particular descriptive case
will give rise to a different evaluative case. And this confirms the
insensibility of the particularist depart that will not allow for a unique
evaluative value E, which we need in order to be able to get reasons as
supports for our actions. So this proves that particularism is wrong and that
the (NP) thesis is right. We just cannot live with this arbitrariness of
diversified evaluations. They just cannot be guides to our actions; they cannot
give reasons for them or be relevant for them in any way.
I will
argue that all this is wrong, despite that it may appear as a good minded
common sense opinion according to the thesis (O). And I will argue for the
correctness of the contrary to the thesis (NP): particularities may have
normative authority.
There are some presuppositions that merit to get spelled
out as underlying the opinion (O). These are deep entrenched presuppositions in
the discussion concerning the overall value of particularistic approach, as
criticized by the generalist thesis (O):
(O) Generalities
have normative authority.
The first presupposition of (O) is as follows:
(A) Particularist
patterns are impossible.
The second presupposition of (O) may be stated as:
(B) Only
generalities are able to underpin the area of the evaluative.
Here is some reasoning in support of (A). If there are
patterns around, those will be patterns covering several cases. Thus it is just
insensible to talk about patterns that cover a singular case. Structure may be
just something that discovers a generality as a common trait or feature of
several particular cases. Structure is thus necessarily of general nature. But
a particular case just cannot have generality built into it, by definition. So,
there just cannot exist any particularist pattern.
reasoning in support of (B) may go as follows: Let us suppose that the
evaluative supervenes on the descriptive, so that the Evaluative follows from
the Descriptive: D → E. But we need one unique E as the result of
generalization over several D’s. So E has to be general and it should not
fragment itself into a bunch of cases E1, E2, …, En.
So something common to several descriptive situations D1, D2,
…, Dn is needed. This common
feature may only be of general nature. If there is an evaluation around, or any
other kind of normativity, it just cannot be underpinned by anything else as
I will argue that both presuppositions underlying the
opinion (O), namely the presuppositions (A) and (B), may each be undermined.
Neither (A) nor (B) remain plausible once we take a closer look at them. They
are just whatever underlies an opinion, and as the features supporting opinion
they have no immediate claim to truth.
But I
will not only argue that these presuppositions may be undermined. I will also
argue that they may be reversed into their opposites. Just the contraries of
these presuppositions turn out to be true, under a close examination.
Particularist patterns are possible and the complement of generalities – namely
particularities – do underpin the area of evaluative. My argument will be thus
in support of normative authority of the particular.
Contrary to the presupposition (A), I will first claim that
particularist patterns are at least possible. The generalist wishes to deny
this. In this respect, his reasoning may go as follows. If there are patterns,
they should subsume a bunch of cases. If there is just one singular case, there
cannot be any pattern. For there will be no structure. Structure just comes
from generality. This was the generalist talking.
to this, I would just like to claim as the first thing that particularist
patterns are at least possible. This means that there are at least some cases
of structure, where this structure will not be repeatable in its quality, but
it will still be counted as a pattern. Well, I remember one such pattern: the
picture of Mona Lisa. Nobody would deny that there is structure involved into
this picture. Indeed, it is a rich and intertwined structure, including figure,
background and many other particularities. And I would myself certainly call
this structure a pattern. It seems an important pattern to me. There are many
more such particularist patterns inherent to each single work of art, including
such complex works of art as operas. But I take it that such particularistic
patterns also exist as the basis for reasons to act, at least in some cases.
seems to me hard to deny, anyway, that particularistic patterns are at least
possible. But there is more. There are many of them around; they surround us.
This claim is stronger as the previous one. The expression
“interesting” that figures in it should be clarified first. What is
interesting, it seems to me, is relevant. Relevant reasons for an action are
also the interesting reasons for an action.
patterns are the opposite of particularistic patterns. Now, are they
interesting? Here is a quick quasi-logical demonstration that they cannot be.
It is well known in predicate logic that general statement does not imply
existence. “All men are mortal” does not imply the existence of Socrates, or of
any other singular man. You have to introduce additional existential presupposition
if you wish to derive existence from the general statement. It seems that there
is a similarity between this and the general principles, such as “Lying is
wrong”. It seems that these principles as general principles just cannot be in
force for any singular situation. Well, at least such general principles cannot
be in force for any interesting particular situations. The situations where we
do moral deliberation are complex by necessity. For if there is no
deliberation, there is no moral decision to be taken. And this goes for cases
where general principles, such as “Lying is wrong” apply automatically. So,
just single complex cases remain as interesting cases. And these are particular
cases, and not the cases where general principle applies. So relevance of the
general principle as reason for action seems to be ruled out on the basis of
logic. Reasons tend to be complex, but generalities do not really harbor any
general patterns are ruled out as interesting patterns, and just particularist
patterns turn out to be interesting, it will seem that only particularist
patterns are able to act as reasons.
are many of them; a huge amount of particularist patterns is all around. The
life is interesting.
You probably have to admit the following. At least once in
your life, you have acted on the basis of a very particular situation, and your
gut feeling was that you were acting right (or wrong, as for that matter). You
just know that it was right. There was no general rule or pattern involved into
your decision. If you did not have such experience, then at least you will not
deny that some other human being had a similar experience at least once
throughout history. At least you should not deny that this is possible.
single case will be enough to undermine the claim of the presupposition (B)
according to which generalities only may underpin the evaluative. You are
convinced now that at least some particularist patterns may underpin the
But there is more. And it follows from (A2). In (A2) we
tried to determine in outline what is “interesting”, namely what can figure as
an interesting or relevant pattern. We have argued that as a matter of
quasi-logical reasoning, there are no interesting general principles. This
means that general principles, when followed, will be followed automatically,
kind of mechanically, and thus they will not allow space for moral
deliberation. So space for moral deliberation stays with cases of particularist
about the cases of pluralism, where several general principles are involved?
Are they not interesting cases of moral deliberation, all in still being
generalities? The answer is here that what makes something interesting in
pluralism cannot be generalities and their normative authority, but judgments,
and these judgments belong to the particularist incline of pluralism. The only
interesting patterns are particularist patterns.
If the above short reasoning is right, then the reason
given in moral deliberation comes from the part of the particular, from the
part of particularist patterns. Each situation in which we deliberate is
different. Many times we take deliberative decisions in a flash. And we just
know that we have reached an evaluative outcome on this basis. We just know
that we did something right or that we did not do it right.
particularist patterns are the only interesting ones (A2), and if these
particularist patterns underpin the evaluative matters in all of the
interesting cases (B 2), then normative authority has to reside within these
particularist patterns. There is no place then for normative authority of the
After all of this, one may well think
that particularist would be inclined to reject generalities. But this does not
need to be the case at all. Particularist allows an important place for
generalities in epistemic summaries about reasons for someone’s actions. Why is
that? The reason seems to be quite simple: it is conceptual economy. In the
same manner as we use the expression “dog” in order to subsume all the immense
variance of particular dogs, we use the mere symbol “Lying is wrong” for post
festum covering of many different cases, that by the way do not have any viable
descriptive basis qua generalities. Generalities are handy. Where would we come
if we would give the full description of each particular dog instead of using
the general name “dog”? Where would we end up if we would give the whole
intertwined narrative description for each reason to act? Any time we would
sink the donut in our coffee we would have to write a kind of “A la recherche du temps perdu” as the reason giving of this act. Causes are more complex
as this is many times taken to be the case: they contain a lot of intertwined
background. Reasons are good candidates for being even more complex. So instead
of giving all this crap, we just say “dog”, and we just summarize “Lying is
wrong” as the reason of our actions. But these are no reasons for our actions.
These are just mere symbols that summarize a general one-dimensional view of
several cases. They do not do any grounding; they are just epistemic tools.
would be wrong though to confuse these beneficial summary symbols activities
with the real grounding, motivating and normative authority that they are
supposed to exercise, as does the generalism. Generalities are mere epistemic
stuff; they just do not have any normative authority.
As we discussed the transition from the
descriptive (D) to the evaluative (E), we have given two schemas that will be
now assigned numbers for the ease of exposition:
(1) D1 → E1
(2) D1,
D2, …, Dn → E
The problem for particularist is that the
general evaluation E seems to result so nicely from all these descriptive bases
D1, D2, …, Dn. But the particularist has in
his support that this nice result just covers whatever is general, without
thereby covering motivation or reasons.
cannot be others as particularly grounded.
generalist argument against particularism claims that there is no viable
Descriptive to Evaluative, D → E transition, for particularism. This
argument may be reversed against the generalist: exactly for generalist there
cannot be any D → E transition (remember Moore’s non-naturalism). On the
other hand, authority comes from the particularist patterns (whose very
existence has to be acknowledged first, against the generalist prejudice).
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