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Electronegativity toolbar

Click on the menu Exploring, submenu Electronegativity for toolbar display

Electronegativity toolbar


Electrostatic potential

Buttons for display of electrostatic potential by projection on:

a) the surface of Van der Waals radii; also works for multiple models

b) the planes defined by coordinate axes (xy, xz, yz plane)

electrostatic potential

Use X button to turn display off.

Partial charges

Display/hide partial charges for atoms.

electrostatic potential

Use X button to turn display off.


Display/hide legend key to el. potential colors.

electrostatic potential key

Color scheme

Change color scheme for el. potential colors.

electrostatic potential color scheme

Model rotation

Rotate the model so that the selected bond (double click) is parallel with one of the pricipal axes x, y or z

electrostatic potential rotate axis

Multiple models

In case of multiple models, they can be manipulated separately by rotation or translation.

rotatetranslateno action

Models should not be too close together - their VdW radii should not overlap.