Ziva Deu, Ljubljana SI
In the space determined architectural regions (seventy-four), uniform standards of all sorts of building, established in the past, which used to and still actively co-shape the identity of the space, are recognizable. The research continues to search for the connections between the architectural regions. Since many researchers mention that in the past in architectural designing most effort was put into the shaping of window and door openings, some of them even place them among the most important history of Arts ingredients of architecture, part of the research is intended for them, in sense of determining larger space units and more general orientations.
Based on the analysis of the material (actual situation in the space) and written sources (analysis of the facade surface allocation of the openings (composition of the facade); the analysis influences the functions of the rooms and their organization influences the allocation of the facade openings; analysis of the position of the openings on the facade according to the most preferable weather conditions; analysis of the shape, measures, material, construction and analysis of the decorative elements in the shaping of the window and door openings) I established the principles of the shaping of the facade openings and determined them (space). I established that the standards of shaping divide into general (valid in a broader Slovenian space) and special, the ones that are spaciously distinctly limited (characteristic for an exactly determined part). The shaping of the first is influenced primarily by the natural limitations and the way of dwelling and working, and the shaping of the latter the artistic development. The variety of the last was conditioned by the different acceptance of established artistic styles which in Slovenia, due to various foreign examples, were a combination of colors. Through the historic development judgment and artistic ideals, the exceptional principles in the shaping of facade openings were given their additional quality and extreme significance in the integral shaping of the architectural identity and its quality in Slovenia (Application: the Celje region or the named Savinjsko - Kozjansko architectural region).