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Plestina Dr. Lenko Plestina, Zagreb HR

Vernacular traces in the contemporary Croatian architecture of family houses

Family house design has constantly been under challenge of local, domestic, regional influence and artistic elaborated, international cosmopolitanism, as well as has been divided between traditional, romantic roots and-sencibility of one futuristic progress. A vernacular sentiment is relying on use of local material, in shape and overall composition of edifice, or in details of openings, roof and eaves, etc. Change and more complex living function than "in old age", both with appearance of new materials and house prefab- elements, have transformed the basic archetypes built of stone or wood. There have been also instant imitations of previous growth process during long period of time. The idea of vernacular has become more ambiguous and subject of quite various explanations.
Through some Croatian examples, this thesis will be elaborated.