Neda Kovacic, Kranjska gora SI
Kozolec (HAY-RACK) - LIVING CULTURAL HERITAGE. The project of conserving the living and useful cultural heritage in the Kranjska Gora township
The hay-rack as the region identity
The Kranjska Gora township embraces the region of the Gornjesavska valley, from the Karavanke tunnel on the east, to the Rateče border crossing (Italy). The valley is limited by the Karavanken mountain chain and the Julian Alps High-mountain region. 60% of the township's region lies within the Triglav national park, giving the region a special quality. A characteristic of the vernacular architecture in this area are definitely the typical upper Carniola hay-racks, which give the region a unique seal.
The hay-rack as a living - useful cultural heritage
The value of the hay-rack as a typical landscape shaper and also as part of the tourist product is very important for this area. The revitalization of hay-racks is the first step towards the revitalization of village nuclei, the enrichment of the cultural heritage and the marketing of the product of the cultural tourism. At this, we never swore on the renovation of the hay-racks as lonely monuments of the past times but on the ones which still have their basic - useful function.
How did the township take to the project of hay-rack renovation
Stimulated by the idea of sponsorship of the German township of Nagold (touristic cooperation), it assigns budget means for the renovation, subsidizes the wood, and through exhibitions, the Crpov program, conferences, measures of the development of agriculture policy, animates the local inhabitants, who renovate the hay-racks on their own and preserve their useful function.