dr Tadeja Zupančič Strojan
The Authenticity of Gorenjsko as a Tourist Attraction
Villages in the hinterland of towns and cities with their traditional economy and culture, do not attract dwellers. This has, in tourist centres, led to the emergence of imported rigorous autonomy and regional traditionalism bordering on formal kitsch which, however, do not attract those tourists who are in search of authentic landscape. A long-term landscape policy may only be successful if the local population contributes to it. The aim of the paper is to raise awareness regarding the importance of the tourist potential of the region and the interdependence existing between the landscape and its inhabitants. An overview of landscape traits which may be relevant for tourism may serve as the basis for their preservation and development in their original habitat, and at the same time assume the role of creating an additional offer for tourism, an extra space stipulating conditions for an economic revival of alpine regions. The town of Bled and its hinterland with their variegated natural, social and cultural characteristics confirm the thesis regarding the necessity of creating a dynamic balance between global and regional landscape-development processes.
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