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Presented by

Bessy Okoye


Education for all in Nigeria has been a nightmare especially for Nomads that wander around with their cattles and sheep in search of food. With the advent of Information and Communication Technology, it could now be easy for the Nomads to get educated. ICT based Distant Teaching and Learning as proposed below will help in that direction. Nomadic Education was signed into law few years ago in Nigeria. This is where classroom is moved around with the Fulani cattle men, women and children where ever they go to. These people stay mostly in the bushes far away from people and civilization. It was very difficult to find the right teachers for the right subjects to teach in these isolated and very difficult conditioned environment. This paper is set to profer solution to all these problems with the introduction and use of Information and Telecommunication Technology for a very efficient and cost effective Distant Teaching and Learning for these Nomads.



Barbara Logar, Janja Perko, Bernarda Rovtar


V zadnjem času se vedno bolj uveljavlja nova oblika izobraževanja - učenje na daljavo s pomočjo interneta. Barbara Logar, Janja Perko in Bernarda Rovtar, profesorice slovenskega jezika in književnosti na Gimnaziji Kranj, smo se odločile izdelati zanimiv (in tudi potreben) projekt: Učenje pri slovenskem jeziku in književnosti na srednješolski stopnji. Najprej smo poskusile oblikovati spletne strani za obravnavanje domačega branja v prvem letniku srednje šole. S pomočjo interneta učitelj vodi dijaka skozi branje in mu omogoča razumeti prebrano besedilo.


Recently a new model of education has been introduced - distance learning through internet. Barbara Logar, Janja Perko in Bernarda Rovtar, teachers of Slovene language and literature at Kranj Grammar school, have decided to elaborate an interesting (and also necessary) project work: distance learning during Slovene language and literature classes at teh secondary school level. First of all we have tried to form www sites concerning home reading in teh first year of secondary school. Through internet a teacher can guide a student through teh book and enable him to understand teh text.

Distance Education in Transnational School Projects and in In-service Training.

Kirsten M. Anttila, M. Ed.
Senior Consultant
e-mail: kma@dlh.dk
Mogens Eriksen
Senior Consultant
e-mail: me@dlh.dk

The Research Centre for Education and ICT
The Royal Danish School of Educational Studies (RDSES)
Emdrupvej 101
2400 Copenhagen NV, Denmark


Which official initiatives and which efforts are made regarding the implementation of ICT in the Danish school system? Taking the starting-point in different pedagogical scenarios we’ll describe an approach to implementing ICT – in transnational teleprojects carried out in Denmark since 1987 within the framework of European Schools Project as well as in in-service training. Which educational materials have been produced to meet the need for and the demands from teachers in both areas? How do we at RDSES meet the challenges in the use of ICT in in-service training, whether that be ordinary or distance learning courses? How do we collaborate between the European countries? Which initiatives and which possibilities lie in the EU Socrates programmes as far as promoting the use of ICT and specifically telecommunication in education?

Spletni učni pripomoček o računalniških komunikacijah

Teaching material about computer communications in the form of the world wide web

Maja Azarov Domajnko, Srednja šola za elektrotehniko in računalništvo, Vegova 4, Ljubljana

Andreja Vehovec, Srednja šola za elektrotehniko in računalništvo, Vegova 4, Ljubljana


Učno snov o računalniških komunikacijah sva predstavili v obliki spletne strani, ki vsebuje poleg teoretične razlage še številne slike, animacije, elektronski vprašalnik za preverjanje znanja, predstavitveni program z zvočno razlago in navodila za izvedbo laboratorijskih vaj. Najin cilj je izboljšati kakovost podajanja snovi s pomočjo novih tehnologij. Dijake tak pristop vzpodbudi k aktivnemu učenju prek interneta, naučijo se uporabljati računalnik in komunikacijsko tehnologijo pri šolskem delu. Dijakom je omogočen preprost in brezplačen   dostop do učnih gradiv. Svoje znanje lahko sami preverijo s pomočjo spletnega vprašalnika. Dinamika usvajanja učne snovi je lahko različna. Dijaki si lahko izberejo njim ustrezen način podajanja informacije (vidna ali zvočna oblika). Zahtevnejša in neobvezna snov je dosegljiva prek posebej označenih povezav.


The authors present their teaching material about computer communications in the form of the world wide web. Apart from a theoretical explanation, the web contains also several figures, animations, electronic questionnaire for knowledge evaluation and presentation program with an caustic explanation. The authors’ target is to attain a higher level of the teaching quality by means of available new technologies. Pupils are thus stimulated to adopt an active approach to learning through Internet. They learn how to use the computer and communication technology at their school work. Their access to the simple teaching material is free of charge. Further, pupils can by themselves automatically check their acquired knowledge by means of the web questionnaire. Several options are given for the learning dynamics and the pupils are offered to select their preferential type of information presentation, i.e. visual or acoustic. Some advanced and optional teaching materials are made available trough specially marked interfaces.

Priprava na maturo in zaključni izpit s pomočjo interneta

Using the Internet to help learning for the matura/final exam

Lilijana Fabris in Helena Turk


V članku želiva opisati uporabo informacijske tehnologije in interneta za utrjevanje snovi iz predmeta angleški jezik za zaključni izpit in maturo. Predstavile bova interaktivno spletno stran, izdelano posebej za ta namen. S pomočjo te strani lahko dijaki, ki imajo dostop do interneta, rešujejo interaktivne vaje, samostojno utrjujejo znanje, postavljajo vprašanja v zvezi z učno snovjo, ki pride v poštev pri navedenih izpitih, na ta zastavljena vprašanja dobivajo odgovore, vzpostavijo komunikacijo z učiteljem s pomočjo elektronske pošte.


This article tries to describe the practical use of IT and the Internet to help students practise and extend their knowledge of English needed for their final examination or matura exam at secondary school level.

We are presenting an interactive web page, with tasks designed specially for this purpose. Students, who have access to the Internet, can use it to do exercises and tasks put up on that page, learn independently, ask questions about language structures and vocabulary relevant to the exam, get answers to their questions and communicate with the teacher via e-mail.

Strežniška podpora učenja na daljavo za vsakogar

Matjaž Zaveršnik, Vladimir Batagelj

Fakulteta za matematiko in fiziko, Univerza v Ljubljani


V prispevku sta predstavljena dva načina, kako lahko na preprost način zbiramo podatke, vnešene v omrežne obrazce. Podatke iz omrežnega obrazca lahko pošljemo z elektronsko pošto na dani naslov, ali pa jih pošljemo programu, ki teče na omrežnem strežniku, ta pa jih shrani v neko vnaprej določeno datoteko.


There are many ways to collect data, entered into the web forms. Data from the web form can be send using e-mail to specified address, or to the program running on the web server, which saves it into the specified file.

Uporaba sistema Močnik za pripravo aktivnih omrežnih izobraževalnih sestavkov z MsWordom

Klemen Bajec in Vladimir Batagelj

Univerza v Ljubljani, FMF, Oddelek za Matematiko


Za pripravo aktivnih omrežnih izobraževalnih sestavkov je potrebno poznavanje jezikov HTML, Java in JavaScript. Sistem Močnik, v obliki predloge za MS Word, omogoča učiteljem zaobiti ta problem. V prispevku so predstavljene nove zmožnosti, ki jih Močnik ponuja za pripravo kvizov za (samo)preverjanje znanja.


To prepare active educational web pages teachers should know HTML, JavaScript and Java. In the paper we present a system Močnik that overcomes this problem. The system is based on MS Word and offers to the author additional active elements needed in educational materials that can be inserted into a document. The finished document saved in HTML format is ready to be used on the Web with all the necessary Java and JavaScript support included

Učenje na daljavo pri predmetu informatika

Distance learning at informatics

Fani Mavrič, Zdenka Vrbinc, Mateja Žepič, Janja Gorjanc


Da bi učitelji naredili pouk bolj pester in vzbudili pri dijakih večje zanimanje za predmet, se poslužujemo različnih metod in prijemov. Ena izmed možnosti je tudi učenje s pomočjo računalnika in interneta. Poskušamo doseči sprejemljivejše pogoje za učenje, kot so: prostor, čas, vsebina, učni pripomočki, izbira teme itd. Učenje na daljavo lahko pomaga dijakom, da premagajo ovire kot so odsotnost od pouka zaradi različnih vzrokov ali pa je to učenje le nadgradnja in poglabljanje znanja, ki so ga pridobili pri rednem pouku.


In order to make our lessons clasroom more interesting and to enhance student's interest in the subject we are trying to implement various theaching methods. One of these is distant learning via internet. The advantage of distant learning is that the students are given a choice of when to study. This way of learning can be aimed at consolidating the knowledge they have already acquired in their regular schooling.

Učitelj na daljavo ali Vizija nastanka učnih centrov

Alenka Žibert, Darja Dunat, Zdenko Puncer, Ludvik Hajdinjak

Povzetek: Prikazati želimo možnosti uporabe računalniških komunikacij pri pouku in pomen ter vpliv učenja na daljavo. Raziskati želimo tudi možnost nastanka učnih centrov, kjer učitelji posredujejo znanje na daljavo z uporabo računalniških komunikacij.

Summary: We are trying to represent possible use of computer communication in school particularly at lessons of technical education (additional Craft). At this project we will research the possibility of Learning centers where teachers pass the knowledge on distance with using the computer communication (e-mail, videoconference, web pages…).

Uporaba programskega paketa LearningSpace kot pripomočka za učenje na daljavo

Use of LearningSpace

Simona Sternad, III. gimnazija Maribor, Gosposvetska 4, Maribor
Mojca Giacomelli, RSRS, Prežihova 4, Ljubljana
Uroš Zabukovšek, Pedagoška fakulteta Maribor, Koroška 160, Maribor

Simona.Sternad@guest.arnes.si, Mojca.Giacomelli@siol.net, Uros.Zabukovsek@uni-mb.si


Članek opisuje programsko okolje Learning Space kot pripomoček za izdelavo učnih gradiv, primernih za učenje na daljavo. Do gradiv lahko dostopamo od kjerkoli in ob vsakem času in tako omogočimo vsem udeležencem enake pogoje sodelovanja ne glede na njihovo geografsko lokacijo oziroma prosti čas.


LearningSpace's unique delivery capabilities allow you to create distributed learning courses that students and instructors can access whether they are online or offline, that make it easier to learn from wherever you are and reduce critical network bandwidth requirements. Since LearningSpace courses are designed to be taken on your time and from anywhere, learners benefit from the thoughtful interaction of all students in the course rather than relying just on those able to meet the schedule requirements of traditional face-to-face courses. An alternative to traditional instruction, LearningSpace provides equal learning opportunities to all employees and students without limitations of time or place.


Dr. Ivan Gerlič
Univerza v Mariboru, Pedagoška fakulteta Maribor

Povzetek: V tem referatu je predstavljen krajši pregled rezultatov raziskave: STANJE IN TRENDI UPORABE RAČUNALNIKOV V SLOVENSKIH OSNOVNIH IN SREDNJIH ŠOLAH, ki jo je autor izvedel za potrebe nacionalnega projekta RAČUNALNIŠKO OPISMENJEVANJE. Predstavljen je teoretični del rezultatov s područja specialno - didaktične problematike učenja na daljavo.

Abstract: The following article analyses some results of investigation: PRESENT STATE AND TRENDS OF USING COMPUTERS IN SLONEVIA PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOOLS. This work author elabortate for national project COMPUTER LITERACY. Article analyse some teoretical problems of didactic criteria of distance learning.

Prvi razred devetletke – nov izziv za učenje na daljavo

Alenka Kovšca- univ.dipl.socialni pedagog
Igor Kralj – univ dipl. učitelj razrednega pouka


Pod navedeno temo želimo prikazati možnosti, ki nam jih nudi moderna tehnologija tudi pri vzpostavljanju stikov s tako mladimi učenci kot so šestletniki, ki šele vztopajo v svet izobraževanja.

Ob vpisu v prvi razred devetletke so se nam oglasili tudi starši dečka, ki se sicer redno šola v Siriji v mednarodni šoli z angleškim učnim jezikom. Deček je bil v Siriji že prej všolan, tako , da že kot šestletnik tekoče bere in piše v angleškem jeziku, starši pa so izrazili željo, da bi se ob tem učil tudi slovenski jezik.

Seveda je bil to za nas izjemen izziv, saj so nam starši povedali, da imajo na razpolago vso moderno tehniologijo.

Z dečkom smo komunicirali preko E- maila očeta. Pošiljali smo mu gradiva in ustrezna navodila.Zaradi precej višje stopnje znanja na področju opismenjevanja pa smo morali prilagoditi tudi zahteve.

Izjemno stimulativno pa je bilo samo dopisovanje tudi za naše učence, saj so bili ne samo ponosni, da imajo svojega sošolca v Siriji ampak so pripravili zanj tudi gradiva , ki so bogatila njihovo delo in vzpodbujala njihovo ustvarjalnost.