in internet - Kako učinkoviteje komunicirati s starši?
Mladen Tomaško
MNZ Izobraževalni center, Srednja
policijska šola, Rocenska 56, Ljubljana Šmartno
Ena izmed možnosti, kako učinkoviteje
sodelovati s starši je tudi komunikacija preko interneta. Razrednik lahko s pomočjo
prosto dostopnega programa Razredna evidenca ustvari spletno stran na internetu, ki je
dostopna preko gesla. Objavljajo se lahko ocene, izostanki, vzgojni ukrepi, prav tako pa
se izmenjujejo tudi sporočila. Starši lahko vidijo samo podatke, ki se nanašajo na
njihovega otroka, do ostalih podatkov nimajo dostopa. Program je enostaven, uporablja ga
lahko tudi začetnik. Bolj vešči lahko vplivajo tudi na izgled spletnih strani, ki se
samodejno ustvarijo.
One of the possibilities of effective
parent-teacher cooperation is communication through (on) the internet. With help of a
freeware software Razredna evidenca a headteacher can create a web page wich can be
accessed with a password. Such a page could contain data about marks, absences from
school… Moreover messages coul be exchanged. Parents are able to see the data that
refers to their child only and cannot access the data of others. The software is user
friendly and can be used by beginners. More experienced user can modify the look &
feel of the auto created web pages.
Let's Facilitate Our
Teacher's Job With IT
Jože Kranjc, SETrŠ
IT je danes pogoj za
konkurenčnost podjetij, ker je nepogrešljiva pri komuniciranju in povečanju
storilnosti, znižuje stroške in izboljšuje delovne pogoje. Učiteljevo delo, ki je v
glavnem sestavljeno iz komuniciranja in obdelave podatkov pa še ni informacijsko podprto
tako, kot bi moralo biti v primerjavi s podjetji in bi lahko bilo glede na
razpoložljivost IT v naših šolah. V tem prispevku sta predstavljeni dve praktični
rešitvi uporabe informacijskih orodij s katerimi si lahko učitelj pomaga pri rutinskih
opravilih priprave vprašanj za preverjanje znanja ter pri pregledovanju in ocenjevanju
odgovorov kontrolnih nalog.
Nowadays there's no
competitive advantage for businesses without IT because it is indispensable in
communications and performance improvements, it reduces expenses and enhances quality of
working life. Teacher's job mainly comprised of communicating and data processing is still
not electronically supported in the extent it should be in comparison with businesses and
also as it could be regarding availability of IT in our schools. There are two user
applications introduced in this paper which can be implemented in computer-based
Matija Lokar, Matjaž
Fakulteta za matematiko in
fiziko, Univerza v Ljubljani
Učenje z igro je dobro
znana in preizkušena metoda poučevanja. Pri tem pristopu nam uporaba računalnika in
računalniških omrežij odpira številne možnosti. V sklopu izgradnje slovenskega
izobraževalnega omrežja smo se odločili, da poseben poudarek damo tudi zabavnim
vsebinam. V delavnici si bomo ogledali te strani ter dodali nekaj novih povezav v
Learning through playing is
well known and tried method of teaching. At this approach using computers and computer
networks opens numerous possibilities. In the process of building slovene educational
network we decided to pay a special attention to entertainment also. In the workshop we
will discuss web pages devoted to this contents and add some new links into catalogues.
Mojca Orel, Špela
Škof-Urh, Gimnazija Moste, Zaloška 49, 1000 Ljubljana
V prispevku je prikazana
vloga stičišča intRonet v BTC-ju v vzgojno-izobraževalnem procesu. Na podlagi
rezultatov ankete je bilo ugotovljeno, da stičišče intRonet poleg iskanja informacij
ponuja dijakom tudi možnosti, da svoje znanje, ki so ga pridobili pri pouku informatike,
nadgradijo in uporabijo v konkretni življenjski situaciji, spoznavajo nove ljudi,
sodelujejo z njimi, jim svetujejo in jih usmerjajo pri iskanju informacij. Na ta način
prispevajo svoj delež k ugledu šole in dvigu kakovosti učenja.
Poleg prednosti ima
dežurstvo dijakov tudi pomanjkljivosti, ki jih pripisujejo predvsem napornemu delu in
pomanjkanju prostega časa. Toda kljub temu prednosti pretehtajo pomanjkljivosti in zato
večina dijakov z veseljem dežura na stičišču.
The article presents the
educational role of connecting point intRonet in BTC. The results of the survey have shown
that intRonet gives pupils the opportunity to look for information, to improve their
computer knowledge and use it in every day situations, to meet new people, work with them
and help them when looking for information. In this way they contribute a big share to the
reputation of school and rise the quality of learning. Besides advantages of pupils being
on duty at intRonet there are also the disadvantage, such as hard working and the lack of
spare time. But advantages beat disadvantages and most pupils like to be on duty in BTC
very much.
– A Virtual Community for 80 Schools
Most teachers using the Internet in
education as a source of information seem to agree that however great the potentials are,
there are certain discouraging aspects involved that might restrain them from using it
such as
Another aspect, especially important when
younger kids are involved, is the fact that you never know what kind of web pages that
might appear on the computer screen.
Internet is also an excellent means of
communication. In this field, however, there seems to be even more apprehensions about the
use. Public places for communication are usually unsuitable for students. And if you find
a decent place, how do you know whom they are really communicating with?
Basically there are two ways to cope with
these obstacles: To restrict the use or to guide the users. PedNet was built to guide the
Oliver Ogris, Gimnazija
Kranj, Koroška cesta 13, Kranj
Pri svojem delu v razredu
sem večkrat zasledil, da dijaki kljub množični uporabi in mnogo prebitih urah na
internetu ne znajo zadovoljivo poiskati podatkov, ki bi jih pri pouku lahko koristno
uporabili. Zakaj je tako, sem skušal ugotoviti z anketo in s pogovorom z dijaki. Dijakom
sem v anketi zastavil deset vprašanj, ki so se mi zdela ključnega pomena. Po analizi
odgovorov sem za dijake pripravil povzetek iskanja po internetu. Skupini dijakov sem nato
zadal nalogo, naj na internetu poiščejo točno določeno informacijo, pri tem pa sem
meril parametre, ki so odločilni za uspešno iskanje. Nato sem jim v eni šolski uri
odpredaval povzetek, ki sem ga pripravil, ter jim razdelil še formularje z Weidemanovo
metodo iskanja po internetu. To pot je bilo iskanje bistveno uspešnejše, ko pa sem
dijakom omogočil še uporabo elektronskega slovarja, so bili rezultati še boljši.
When I was working with my
pupils, I noticed several times that in spite of many hours spent on Internet, pupils were
not able to find pieces of information they needed at their classes. I tried to discover
why, so I gave a questionnaire with ten questions to my pupils and talked to them. After
analysing responses, I made an abstract about searching the Internet. After that I asked a
group of pupils to search for specific information on the Internet. Meanwhile I was
measuring certain parameters, which are crucial for a successful searching. Then I had a
one-hour-lecture on "how to search the Internet" and introduced pupils with
Weideman's method of searching the Internet. I performed searching experiment again. This
time the results were better, and when I enabled them to use a dictionary, the results
were even better.
Metod Čufar, Mateja Žepič
Nevarnosti, ki jih ne
čutimo takoj – sevanje in podobno, pa tudi mnogo bolj nedolžne nevarnosti, ki zaradi
dolgotrajnosti prav tako škodljivo delujejo na naše telo, pa največkrat zanemarjamo.
Nekaterim poškodbam se lahko v celoti izognemo, če se jih zavedamo in naredimo vsaj
nekaj za naše zdravje.
We neglect the dangers,
which can't be felt immediately – radiation and alike, and also more innocent danger,
which because of its long-term effect, do harm to our bodies. We can complietely avoid
some of the injuries, when we are aware of them and when we do something for our health.
XML poenostavlja pripravo, prikaz in arhiv učnih gradiv
How XML simplifies
prepairing, display and archive of educational resources
V izobraževalnih instutucijah od začetka
informatizacije obstaja težnja, da se z omejenimi sredstvi za informacijsko opremo
poskuša doseči najboljši kompromis med ceno in zmogljivostjo te opreme. V skladu s
popularizacijo Interneta se vse več učnih gradiv izdeluje v Microsoftovem Wordu in
objavlja na spletnih straneh v zapisu HTML. V prispevku bom pokazal, da takšna rešitev
sama po sebi žal ni optimalna za pripravo učnih gradiv, sploh pa ni primerna za njihov
prikaz in arhiviranje (ter s tem v zvezi za nadaljnjo uporabo). S standardizirano uporabo
tehnologij XML v šolstvu bi skoraj vse takšne težave odpravili dolgoročno in učitelje
celo razbremenili učenja HTML-ja.
From the begining of informatization in
educational instutions there is a tendency to achieve best compromises between price and
performance of information equipment, which is related also to limited financials. As
Internet gets popularized more and more educational resources are being done in Microsoft
Word and published in web pages as HTML format. This paper will show that by itself such
solution unfortunately isn't optimal for creation of educational resources and not
suitable at all for their display and archiving (and thus also for reusing in the future).
With standardized usage of XML technologies in schools most if not all problems would be
abolished and teachers would be unberdened from learning HTML.
se boji Interneta?
Globalna komunikacija proti lokalni cenzuri
Who’s Afraid of
Global Communication vs. Local Censorship
Tomi Dolenc, ARNES –
Akademska in raziskovalna mreža Slovenije
Globalna komunikacija
prinaša omrežni skupnosti prednosti in strahove, s katerimi se mora srečati katerakoli
velika večkulturna skupnost. Medtem ko se Svetovno omrežje, neodvisno od katerekoli
posamične volje, nezadržno razrašča in ohranja medijsko popularnost, zaznavamo
naraščajočo zaskrbljenost nad “zlemi” stvarmi ali vsebinami na Omrežju, še
posebej zaradi otrok, ki se medtem brezskrbno sprehajajo po omrežju in navezujejo stike z
njegovimi prebivalci. V predstavitvi primerjamo različne poglede na to problematiko in se
sprašujemo, koliko in katere nevarnosti Interneta so resnične ter kdo in kako se lahko
bori proti njim. Postavlja se vprašanje možnosti omejevanja vsebin na Internetu in kdo
naj bi bil za to odgovoren. Izkušnje kažejo, da v multikulturnem svetu odprte
komunikacije cenzura izgublja bitko in da je učinek kakršnegakoli omejevanja vprašljiv.
Zato evropske iniciative na najvišji ravni predvsem spodbujajo ozaveščanje ter
promocijo varnih in uporabnih vsebin na Internetu.
Global communication brings
to the network community bonuses and fears any large multicultural community must face. As
internet grows beyond control of any group of people, institutions or states, there is a
raising concern about "evil" things/content on the net, especially in relation
to kids being allowed to surf & communicate on the net freely. In this presentation we
compare some of the views on the problem. We try to discuss to what extent the evils of
Internet are real, who should fight them and what means can or may they use. The question
arises whether content regulation is possible on the Internet and who should be
responsible for it. Experience shows that for an open global communication in a
multi-cultural world where there is little common regulation, censorship looses the battle
and any external regulative can only be limited in effect. European initiatives primarily
encourage awareness raising and safe content creation and promotion. Slovenia has some
projects following the initiative.
šolsko omrežje – European SchoolNet
Alenka Žibert, Borut
Čampelj, Vladimir Batagelj
The intention of this
survey is to offer teachers insight into both, domestic SIO and foreign EUN network. Our
aim is to encourage teachers to play an active role in Slovenian Educational Network (SIO)
and in European SchoolNetwork. Teachers' contribution is essential for the quality and
widening of the network.
Načrtovanje, izgradnja in uporaba lokalnega omrežja
Omrežje na šoli - zakaj, kje in kako?
Vse prevečkrat se še
dogaja, da sicer imajo na šoli večje število računalnikov, vendar le ti med seboj niso
povezani. Podatke se prenaša s pomočjo disket, včasih pa tudi samo s pomočjo papirja.
Vsak računalnik ima svoj tiskalnik. Na več računalnikih je nameščen modem, ki služi
za povezavo v globalno omrežje - internet, pa še kaj bi se našlo. Seveda takšno stanje
ne vodi nikamor in je potrebno čimprej razmisliti in realizirati povezavo teh
računalnikov v kvalitetno lokalno računalniško omrežje LAN. Pri tem moramo upoštevati
nekaj priporočil tako o izvedbi samega omrežja (kabli vtičnice ipd.), kot tudi o
vgrajeni aktivni opremi (mrežne kartice, usmerjevalniki.., ipd).