Project information | Project overview | Project goals | Communication tools | Participate Milestones: Planet Friendship is a network for those who committed their friendship to the possibility to make a change through 'Education of the heart'. To many things are separating us. This is a try to promote things which are common for all human beings instead of pointing at the differences. We don't let the differences to separate us. The background for our efforts are the biggest achievements of our civilization : You can make a difference and be a part of 'the change we wish to see!' Principals of Nonviolence
A Friendship Declaration is the central part of Planet Friendship. Agreement with the declaration is the only condition and a kind of visa to join the Planet Friendship community
*I* declare *myself* to be the possibility of friendship in the world. That friendship will show up in my relationship with myself, my family, my friends, other people, the environment, Nature, and all living beings.
Project web site:
Project discussion at Facebook:
Project moderator :
Planet Friendship was born April, 1998Planet Friendship Globe:
> Project web site:
> Global map of the planet friendship
> Love and friendship declaration in as many languages as possible.
> Pen-Pal Club (addresses, personal web sites)
> Words of Wisdom, Essays
> Activities site
> Planet Friendship Tour
> Picture Gallery
Who we are?
We are a group of students
Who can join?
All who care and believe that ' We must be the change we wish to see in the World' are welcome to participate.
Why are we doing this?
Gandhi said 'We must be the change we wish to see in the World'. Isn't it an inspiration big enough to answer that question?
Visit us at Facebook where you can get all details as well as all the help you need. Looking forward for your friendship.
Biggest contribution is your commitment to join our efforts.
Share with us some thoughts and feelings about the meaning of friendship.
Give us a chance to see a Friendship declaration (by Facebook discusions) in your native language.
We would like to add your portrait in our Facebook picture gallery as well.
Find your own way to make a contribution for a better world and let us join it.Your contribution will represent 'one-country-one-link' in the unbroken circle around the world. It will also add your country to Planet Friendship. On the global map on the web site it will show up as an even bigger part of the world without borders to separate us.
Via Facebook Discussion Forum
To Participate In Planet Friendship
Meet us at Facebook Planet Friendship
The expected impact !
We believe that as we share a Friendship Declaration, we create the possibility for all people, everywhere, as well as the planet and its environment to join together in a positive and healing way. Taking this stand will create a positive ripple effect in the world, like a stone dropping into a pond, that will help to reduce the negativity and suffering on our planet and create new possibilities for people and the planet.
To form a Planet Friendship as an Vision out of time and space with no borders to divide us.
To form the unbroken chain of members all around the world, which will include all countries
To form the Global Penpal Club, where discussions could take place
To build Planet Friendship own constitution, based on principals of Non-Violence
To promote Friendship as the way of life in harmony with nature and ourselves
To discuss how to make PF REAL ( constitution, government, human rights, freedom )
To promote Nonviolence as the way to solve the problems
To publish booklets with the Words of Wisdom, stories about successful friendly events
To publish a very special Planet Friendship Global Passports for the members
To make members feel that they are not all alone in their affords to find the Truth
To awoke the HOPE within our hearts
To make a CHANGE