Important thing for me
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We decided to take part in the below project with some photos, taken by our students at school. They used our school digital camera and PhotoImpact software.

Ula, 12, 6.a Dani, 12, 6.c Toma˛, 12, 6.a
Here we will later publish the computer graphic collague.
Bla˛, 12, 6.a ˇiga, 12, 6.a

Project description

Take part to project called ”important thing for me”!

Some details and instructions:

We have a Europe club in our primaryschool. (Itä-Pakilan ala-aste, Helsinki, Finland) We are doing computer graphic collages right now. For those collages we need digital photos from Europe. So, can you send us images by e-mail? You don’t have to send photos from all your pupils. Even two or three is great!

"Important thing for me" means maybe something concrete thing, so you can take a photo about it. My pupils took pictures like keys, books, different toys and so on. But children have to decide themselves. It would be nice, if children will take photos themselves, but teacher can do it as well. Background of the photo shouldn’t be too colourful. It could be red, green or whatever, but only one colour, if it’s possible, please!

What shall we do with all those photos?

Also children must know, that when they send us a photo, we have rights to publish it in the web or in our exhibitions. Also we can put photos together in big collage and little bit change (for example draw) photos, but not funny way! So nobody will hurt, I hope.

When we publish our collages, we just tell name of the artist. Also we will tell first names and countries about original photos. Later we will send you web-address where you can find readymade collages.

Save your photos like this:

Format: JPEG
name for example: ”Dieter11” (so we know that it’s Dieters important thing and he is 11 years old)
You can send your photos to me. Address is If you have something you want to ask, please contact me! I’m looking forward to your photos!

Tommi Tikka, Itä-Pakilan ala-aste, Helsinki, Finland

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