A dialogue

 my room is a mess
My room (unknown author)

Do you often have conversations like this with your mother?
Fill in the missing words, please.

Se pogosto takole pogovarjate z mamo?
Vstavite manjkajoče besede, prosim.

Mother: Oh, god. What (happen) to your room? Why aren't your clothes in the wardrobe?

Me: I' (put) them on the chair, so I can easily find them when I need them.

Mother: What about the bed?

Me: Oh, I' (make) it in my own way, you see.

Mother: Yes, I see. But I can't see the goldfish I gave you for your tenth birthday.

Me: I'm sorry, but I' (give) it to your cat. So you needn't feed her. She' (eat) enough.

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Have you got problems you would like to talk about? Why don't you write to the news group alt.kids-talk?
Imate probleme, o katerih bi se radi pogovarjali? Zakaj ne bi pisali na konferenco alt.kids-talk?

Copyright by
Romana Ivačič


What does your room look like?
Could you write about it, please.

Kakšna je vaša soba? Bi lahko pisali o tem, prosim.