"Without trees... no life"

'Without Trees... no Life'  has started in Nederlands, by Mr Lieven Van Parys and has joined many schools from all over the world into a big family. You can find the project description and materials if clicking this link:

 'Without trees... no Life'

Our grade 3 C and their class teacher Cecilija Repič joined the project and created the images from the wood. 

Students report about their work:

"The project coordinator sent us coils of green wire - lots of metres. We cut it into 70 centimetres log stripes and each of us started to create images out of it in one piece. We first thought that it would be easy to create trees or animals, but not all of us succeeded well.  We did our best and we enjoyed our work. Now we are eager to see the artworks of other students around the world."


Here are some images of the trees the students made with the green wire. Click the number to view them

     2           4

5      6      7     8

9      10      11      12

13      14     


26. 05. 03
(c) Viljenka Šavli