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money.jpg (1982 bytes)


How do I get my pocket money?

I took my 100 pounds with me to school, because I wanted to buy a great computer program from my classmate.

Then I get 20 pounds a month for delivering newspapers.

The second lesson we were having P.E. and I simply put the banknotes into the right pocket of my jeans.

Well, first my parents give me 5 pounds a week.

Last month something strange happened to me.

I usually spend the money on chewing gum, cinema tickets and magazines, but I save some of it.

I ran to the teacher to tell him my money was stolen when Joe shouted: "Hey, why are you wearing my jeans?"

At the moment I'm thinking about buying a new computer.

After the lesson I put the jeans on and - there was no money in the pocket!

And finally I wash my neighbour's car three or four times a month and that costs him 15 or 20 pounds.

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Copyright by
Romana Ivačič


Do you get or earn any pocket money? What do you spend it on? Could you write about it and send it to me, please.
Dobite ali zaslužite kaj žepnine? Za kaj jo zapravite?
Bi lahko o tem kaj napisali in mi sestavek poslali, prosim.

Just an example! Samo en primer!

My pocket money

Pocket money is very good for us. We learn how to use our hard earned money.
I get it from my dad every week on Monday. I usually get 500 SIT. But when there is need, he gives me more extra money. And I don't have to pay it back. Good, isn't it? But sometimes my dad doesn't give me any pocket money at all. That's horrible. But you get used to it.
I usually spend it on bigger things. But sometimes I borrow it from my brother, who already has a job, and has, not very much, but enough money. But then I have to pay it back. I always pay him back all my pocket money, so I don't have anything to spend.
Sometimes I get my money like a gift from my uncles and aunts. They usually give me 5000 SIT.
I have my saving account on my computer. I made it in Microsoft Excel last year, and all by myself.
They say that money is the leader of the world. Is that true?

Aleš Maver
Osnovna šola Savo Kladnik Sevnica