We can do it together – We can help a sick schoolmate or friend.

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slo_zastava.gif (892 bytes) Moj najboljši prijatelj Matija je zbolel. Od pouka je bil odsoten dva tedna. Ravno tedaj smo v šoli jemali veliko nove snovi. In vse ni bilo enostavno.

Matija mi je nekega dne telefoniral in se pozanimal, kaj novega se je dogajalo v šoli in pri pouku.

Rekel sem mu:”Pri angleščini smo spoznali nov čas. Present Continous. Če sem iskren, smo skoraj vsi pri pouku gledali bolj debelo!” Matija me je prosil, če ga lahko obiščem, saj še ni bil popolnoma zdrav. Skrbela ga je nova snov.

Odšel sem v garažo, skočil na kolo in že sem drvel proti prijateljevemu domu. Takoj sva vzela zvezke v roke, začela sva z glagoli. Najprej nama ni šlo od rok, kmalu pa nama je bilo vse jasno.

Domov sem odšel zadovoljen, saj se mi je zdelo, da sem opravil pomembno delo. Sošolcu sem pomagal pri šolskem delu.

Še bolj pa sem bil zadovoljen, ko je Matija pisal test. In ocena? Čista petica.


Oh, pa ta bolezen. Včasih gripa, posebno pozimi, prav pošteno razredči sošolce in sošolke. Takrat z veseljem nesem bolniku zvezke, razlagam snov, ponavljam. Vem namreč, da bom to doživela tudi sama, če bom zbolela.

Tako razdajam svoje znanje naprej. Na tak način izražam svoje spoštovanje do sošolcev, prijateljev. To pa je edinstven občutek!


uk.gif (7420 bytes) My best friend was ill and he was absent for two weeks. We learned a lot at school at that time so it wasn’t easy for him to learn everything by himself.

One day Matija phoned and asked what was new at school and at lessons. I told him that at the English lesson we had learned about the Present Continuous Tense and it wasn’t easy at all.

He asked me to visit him, because he wasn’t well yet and he was worried about the subject.

I went to his place. We started to learn the verbs but at first it seemed quite difficult. After a while everything was clear as crystal. So I went home happily because I was sure I had done something good.

My satisfaction was complete when Matija got the excellent mark at the English test.


Oh, illness! Sometimes flu, especially in winter, reduces the number of the pupils in the classroom.

Then I take the notebooks to the sick schoolmate and help with pleasure.

I know that maybe I will need such a help when I am ill, too. In that way I pay my respects to the classmates and friends and that is the unique feeling.



© Viljenka Šavli