'Opisni sedanjik' izraža tele pomene:

a. Present activities / Sedanja dejanja

Govoriš o dejanju, ki poteka zdaj, v tem hipu.


I am watching television at the moment.
Alan is having a bath.
You are making too much noise!

POSEBNOSTI V RABI: 'Present simple' ali 'present continuous'?

a) Stanje ali dejanje?

 Za izražanje stanj v trenutku govorjenja uporabiš present simple - pravzaprav se nič ne dogaja.

The children are in the garden.
Look! Tom has got some chocolate.
I like hamburgers.

Za opisovanje dejanj v trenutku govorjenja uporabiš present continuous.

The children are fighting.
Tom is eating the chocolate.

b) Navada ali trenutno dejanje?

Navada: present simple
Nekaj, kar se dogaja običajno (usually), vsak dan (every day), vsak teden (every week) itd.

I watch television every evening.
I usually have breakfast at 7.

Trenutno dejanje: present continuous
Nekaj, kar se dogaja ta hip.

I think Kate is watching television.
Tom is having breakfast at the moment.