Nedoločnik lahko uporabiš v naslednjih primerih:

1. Izražanje mnenj ('it is' + pridevnik)

It's hard to understand him. 
It's nice to be on holiday.
It was a good idea to have a picnic.
It's wonderful to see you.

2. Izražanje želja

I want to go outside. 
I'd like to have a brother or sister.
I don't want to do my homework. 
I'd love to go to the party.

POSEBNOSTI V RABI: I like/hate ___ing / I would like/prefer to ___.

a) I like ___ing - na splošno

I like playing table tennis.
I hate being ill.

b) I would like/prefer to ___ - to, kar bi rad(a) oz.česar ne bi rad(a) storil(a) ta hip 

I'm hungry. I'd like to have a sandwich.
I don't want any coke. I'd prefer to have some tea.