Z 'will/won't' lahko izraziš naslednje:

a. Predictions and expectations / Napovedi in pričakovanja 

Pričakuješ ali meniš, da se bo nekaj zgodilo, vendar tega ne veš.


Pričakovanja:     (I think that) we will win the football match.
                           (I don't think) that it will rain tomorrow.

Upi:                    (I hope that) the exam will be easy.

Bojazni:             (I'm afraid that) I won't like my penfriend.

b. Conditions / Izražanje pogojnosti 

'Will' uporabiš za izražanje pogojnosti v prihodnosti.


If I miss the bus, I will go to school by bicycle.
I'll tell my dad if you hit me again.

POSEBNOSTI V RABI: 'if' in 'when' stavki 

V 'if' ali 'when' stavkih ne uporabljaš 'will'. 

I will tell her when she comes.
I will take an umbrella if it rains.

c. Neutral facts / Nepristransko stališče 

'Will' uporabiš za izražanje nepristranskih stališč - kadar ti ni treba izraziti svojega mnenja ali stališča.


I will be thirteen years old tomorrow.
The photographs won't be ready until Friday.