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  ENO project                            Uroš Žvan, OS Gorje
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From forest to sawmill through time

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Processing logs into wood was very hard work before the steam and petrol tools and saws were invented.

Chopping trees with an axe was the easiest of all the forester work. The work had to be handled manually.

The logs had to be sawed, which lasted a few days.

Today most work is done by machines.

Today foresters can saw logs quickly although they are enormous, because they use chain saws and then they chain them up with big hydraulic tongs and put them on a truck which safely takes logs to sawmill.


Floating logs on water was a traditional and a cheap way to transport wood to sawmills. Setting logs free was dangerous and it demanded great skills and balance. This procedure was used a lot in North America and Scandinavia. In Slovenia it was used on the river Savinja. Today floating is used only for tourism.

In the mountains, where logs couldn’t be put into water, workers built water runways, where they put logs and sent them downhill.

A telepher line was often used to transport the logs from high places to the valley.

Idrijske klavže enabled a special way of storing logs and is still considered a great technical achievement of that time and it is an important cultural technical monument nowadays.

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They put a trunk on a moving layer of a saw, and then the big frame saw cuts the trunk into desired pieces. The frame saw cuts the hole trunk at once. A high precision is achieved. Look at the picture of the frame saw.

The band saw cuts each board separately. The precision is low, because the saw is not stable and can swing. The type of the cut depends mostly of the tree sort and the purpose of use. Here two simple ways of cut are shown.

There are many other ways of sawing trunks which give us different shapes of boards and remaining wood. The main purpose of all of them is to get the best quality of wood. We estimate the quality of boards by the type of wood they are made from - the middle or from the outer part of the trunk. Boards with more sapwood are more humid and curve more easily. Weight, humidity and density of the wood depends on the distance from the core of the trunk. The picture shows the distortion of boards while drying. The quality of boards depends on the part of the trunk they are cut from. Nothing is wasted, the remains are used for the paper production.

The best time for chopping down trees is in winter because there is only a little fluid in the trunks vessels.

Only properly dried wood is useful. Wet wood swells. The activity of wood is shown in swelling and shrinking. This process continues even after the product is already finished.

© Viljenka Šavli