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  ENO project                            Uroš Žvan, OS Gorje
The project/Projekt

The place we live
This is our nature
This is our culture
Sustainable development


minister Kopač
art winners



Eno song/Eno pesem


uk.gif (7420 bytes)What paper is and how we use it

We use paper for many things. We write on it, we draw on it. Books and notebooks are made of paper. We write letters, tests. Newspapers are made of special paper. We also use it when we want to make a fire. It can be white, yellow, blue, black, green, dark or light blue. We know types of it. It can be soft, hard, thin, fat. They can be small, big, long, short pieces of paper.
Tina, 6a

Paper must be recycled, because it is very good material to write on it. We need paper in schools, in our homes, in toilets, in shops. Paper is really very useful. We need paper every day at school. We write on it every subjects like maths, history. We need it for drawing. If you don't have paper at school then what can you do there? I need it when I write homework. If we don't have paper how can we learn at school? So you see paper is practically essential. My mum needs it every day for cleaning. People have to put old paper into trash bins if they don't need it. Farmers need it for burning trash, but they shouldn't, because they pollute the air. We also write test on it at school. No paper, no tests no learning at school, simply. If paper wasn't invented how could we live? So thanks god that we have paper.
Kristjan, 6a

I'm going to talk about one of very useful resource, paper. We use it for notebooks, books, posters, paper napkins and towels, magazines, workbooks, handkerchiefs, carton etc. We get paper from trees, so if we don't recycle it trees will disappear and soon there will be no oxygen in the air. Trees grow slower while we use larger and larger quantities of paper.
Sanja, 8a

In our school we use paper for tests, handouts, drawing, for some products at craft. In my bag there are different paper things from notebooks, books, workbooks to handkerchiefs etc. A few years ago there was and action in Slovenia and at our school for collecting paper. There was a magazine called Firbec and each student got it for free, but we were obliged to collect one kilo of old newspapers for each issue of Firbec. It was a very good action because all students form schools brought at the end of the school year 9 kilos of old paper. Now there are no such actions, which is bad, or we are not informed well.
Kaja D, 8a

C Viljenka Šavli