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  ENO project                            Uroš Žvan, OS Gorje
The project/Projekt

The place we live
This is our nature
This is our culture
Sustainable development


minister Kopač
art winners



Eno song/Eno pesem


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Where does paper come from?

Where does paper come from?

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Chinese paper production

It's got its name after papyrus, a plant very similar to reed, which was used in ancient Egypt for making sheets or even whole papyrus coils. Ancient Romans had cut their notes on wax tables. A well-known writing pad is also pergament, which has been used by ancient Greeks and monks (copiers of texts in the middle age).

Pergament is actually specially cultivated animal skin and it has got name after town of Pergam in Small Asia, where it was produced from the very beginning. But paper, that we know nowadays, is an invention of Chinese, which used knowledge of wasps.

The story tells that the Chinese Tsai-Lun watched wasps building the nest. These animals chew wood and other vegetable fibers, mix it with saliva (glue!) and build their nest with that mixture. Tsai-Lun made something similar: he ground small pieces of bamboo and mulberry tree wood to tiny pieces. He got liquid mixture, which he filtered and dried. That's how he got a sheet of paper. That happened almost 2000 years ago. Chinese kept their secret for 700 years.

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Then the Arabians caught by accident a group of Chinese paper makers who revealed the secret how to make it to them to them.


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We are not really aware how significant the protection of nature and human's living and working environment is. People pollute environment with waste (even with returnable packing). They threaten water sources and in this way stimulate evolution of disease carrying germs and diseases and also spoil the look of nice and settled environment.

Beside protection, taking care and maintaining correct relation to earth, air and water, a rational and humane consumption of wood requires raising and maintaining the correct relation to returnable and non-returnable packing.

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Packing is made from a lot of different substances and we can change them with chemical (recycling) and mechanical (remaking, working) procedures into materials for remaking or building them into new products, which are nicer and friendlier to humans and environment. Waste paper packing and waste paper, after being cleaned and ground are a very important additive in the production of pasteboard and newspaper paper. That's why it's important to point out that it is important to organize collecting of waste paper and to recycle it.

Materials collected and translated by students: Matej, Peter and Grega, class 8.
- Vesela šola, PIL, št.13, 1999
- website for craft
- website of Franceta Prešerna Kranj Primary School


C Viljenka Šavli