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Uroš Žvan, OS Gorje
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uk.gif (7420 bytes)FOREST ECONOMY
This topic was done during the whole month. We used different sources from Internet, books to interviews. We learned a lot and a lot of work was done. We have to say many thanks to Mr Marijan Sebenik, the manager of the regional Forestry Institute in Nova Gorica, who helped us find most of the information and informed us about certain topics.

The forest is a an important economical resource here in Slovenia. It is a resource of many important products. From wood we make furniture, paper, buildings and use it for energy. We pick berries, mushrooms and other forest fruits and many plants which are used as a medicine. We hunt animals and fish.

Here are our answers to the given questions:

A. How much do you cut trees annually in your country ( in cubic metres (m3 ))?

In our country we cut around 2.000.000 m3 trees per year. That is 1 m3 per person in Slovenia.

B. What do you make from trees? List the products and amount of them if known.
What is the most important way to use trees in your country?

We mostly use:
- coniferous trees: (spruce, fir, larch, pine) for parts of the buildings - furnishing buildings (windows, doors etc.), some instruments, electric and telephone poles, cellulose

- deciduous trees: for furnishing buildings (beech tree, cherry tree, nut-tree), construction wood (parquet.), sleepers, for vineyards, for chemical re-making: paper, artificial materials

C. How important forests are for the economy of your country?( Value of production, employment ...)

There are at least three important points, functions or values of the forest:

-to protect earth from sliding, strong winds
-to protect waters (drinking-water)
-biotopic (to preserve animals and plants-diversities)
-climatic (wind, humidity, air, oxygen)


-educational (forest learning paths, at school craft-making different things from wood)
-health care
-natural heritage (ice-cave on Trnovo Plato with temperature inversion)

production or manufacturing:
wood working - it presents around one tenth of Slovenian economy
-in the past more people worked with wood and made their living with it (charcoal-burning,)
-and hunting (Matija)

-joinery: in the past in Solkan many people earned their living as joiners (they were well known in Europe and later a furniture factory replaced their workshops).

Quite a lot of people are employed in wood production (from paper to furniture), that's around 10%.
Joinery was a flourishing trade here from the middle of the 19th century onwards and the joiners of Solkan were held in high esteem right up to the 1950s, even being celebrated by our writer Oton Zupančič.

It was the development of this trade that contributed to Solkan losing its predominantly agricultural character.

Nowadays the trade is dying out.

In 1948 a large furniture factory was opened in the nearest village Kromberk, based on the joinery workshops from our Solkan.
here is an interview with one of Solkan joiners.

E. If you harvest forests in your country, are you obliged ( by law ) to plant new trees?

Our forester organisation and all that harvest forests are obliged to plant or seed new trees by law.
Slovenian forestry organisation main aims are:
-natural economising in the forest

-many purposes of a forest
-permanence in forests

Foresters take some actions as:
-to forest those parts that are expected not to be naturally restored. That is, where the trees and the forest as a whole was damaged by bad weather, great fires, heavy snow, slides.

In the year 2000:
-1.600.000 new trees of 30 types were planted

-2 150 kg of eight types of seeds were sieved

People can pick different forest plants and fruits but in a limited quantity to prevent harm. They mostly pick mushrooms (1 kg per person per day), chestnut 82 kg per day per person), raspberries, stroberries, blackberries, .

There are about 253 different mushrooms in Slovenia and of course in our region. Many people pick them, they are very popular in our neighbour country Italy, so they often come and pick them too.

Click here to see forest fruits.

slo_zastava.gif (892 bytes)GOZD IN EKONOMIJA
Temo smo bdelovali skoraj cel mesec. Uporabili smo različne vire od knjig, enciklopedij, interneta pa do intervjuja z vodjem goriške enote Zavoda za gozdove, gospodom Marijanom Šebenikom. G. Šebenik nam je pomagal do večine podatkov in nas opremil z različnimi informacijam, za kar se mu še posebej zahvaljujemo.

Tudi v sloveniji je gozd pomemben ekonomski vir za človeka. je vir različnih proizvodov. Iz gozdnega lesa delamo pohištvo, papir, hiše in je vir energije-kurjava. V gozdu nabiramo različne gozdne sadeže od mailn do kostanja, pa tudi veliko zdravilnih rastlin nam ponuja. V gozdu lahko lovimo živali in ribe.

Zbrali smo odgovore na postavljena vprašanja.

A. Koliko dreves posekate na leto v vaši državi (v kubičnih metrih)?

Na leto nasečemo približno 2.000.000 m3 ( za primerjavo: na enega Slovenca pride 1 m3 lesa)

B. Kaj delate iz dreves? Naštej proizvode in morebitno količino.
Predstavi najpomebnejši način uporabe lesa.

- iglavci (smreka, jelka, macesen, bor): stavbno pohištvo, instrumenti, električni, telefonski drogovi, celuloza
- listavci: stavbno pohištvo(bukev, češnja, oreh), gradbeni les (parketi..), železniški pragovi, za vinograde, kemična predelava: papir, umetne mase
približno 10% ljudi je zaposlenih v lesno predelovalni industriji

C. kako pomembnen je gozd za ekonomijo vaše dežele? ( vrednost proizvodnje, zaposlitev...)

Izpostavimo lahko vsaj tri pomembne funkcije:

ekološka funkcija:
-varovanje zemljišč in objektov pred plazovi, vetrovi.)
-varovanje voda(stalni izviri pitne vode)
-biotopska (ohranjanje živalske in rastlinske pestrosti ( diverzitete)
-klimatska (veter, vlaga, čiščenje zraka, nastajanje kisika),

socialna f. :
-poučna (gozdne učne poti, tehnični pouk: izdelava predmetov iz lesa - Ivo Erzetič ali Mojca Milone),
-naravna dediščina (eno od redkih mrazišč, ki je najbolj poznana je Ledenica v Paradani v Trnovskem gozdu, s trajno temperaturno inverzijo),

-lesnoproizvodna - dosega še vedno približno desetino celotnega gospodarstva,
-nekoč je več ljudi živelo od gozda (glažutarstvo, frnaže, oglarji), (Denis Matežič)
-nekoč mizarstvo bolj razvito kot danes ( Solkanski mizarji iz katerih se je razvila tovarna Meblo),
-pridobivanje stranskih gozdnih proizvodov
-lovno gospodarska (Andrej, Matija)

Vse od 19 stoletja dalje je v Solkanu cvetela mizarska obrt. Solkanski mizarji so bili visoko cenjeni vse do 50. let tega stoletja. V pesmih jih je ovekovečil tudi slovenski pesnik Otona Župančič.

Z razvojem mizarske obrti je Solkan počasi izgubljal značaj kmetijskega kraja.

Dandanes mizarska obrt počasi izumira. V letu 1948 so pod vplivom tradicije mizarstva v Solkanu odprli prvo tovarno pohištva v bližnjem kraju Kromberk.

preberite zanimiv intervju z enin od še aktivnih solkanskih mizarjev.

E. Če iz gozda jemljete ali ste prisiljeni (zakonsko) tudi saditi nova drevesa?

Gozdarstvo Slovenije temelji na načelih:
-sonaravnosti (naravno gospodarjenje v gozdu)
Iz tega sledijo ukrepi:
-Pogozduje se samo tam kjer, kjer ni pričakovati naravne obnove. To je mišljeno predvsem na mestih, kjer so gozd prizadele naravne ujme, požari, snegolomi, plazovi.)
V letu 2000.
-Je bilo posajenioh približno 1.6oo.ooo sadik tridesetih različnih drevesnih vrst,
-Je bilo raztresenega že 2150 kg semen osmih drevesnih vrst.

F. Smete loviti živali v gozdu? katere so tipične vrste živali?


G. Ali ljudje nabirajo maline, jagode, gobe v vaših gozdovih? Naštejte napogostejše gozdne sadeže.

Sadeži: Nabiranje v predpisanih količinah brez povzročanja škode. V kolikor lastnik pridobi na upravni enoti izjavo, a mu določeni sadeži predstavljajo pomemben vir zaslužka se na teh mestih ne sme nabirati.

-gobe (gobani, mraznica, štorovka, dežnik) Omejitev nabiranja 1 kg/osebo na dan,
-kostanj: omejitev 2 kg / na osebo na dan
-maline, jagode, robidnice, škorž, .

Če kliknete tu si lahko ogledate najpogostejše gozdne sadeže v naših naših gozdovih.

C Viljenka Šavli