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Deciduous trees

Beech tree

Oak tree

Lime tree


More than 5000 years ago, huge surfaces in Europe and east of North America were covered with deciduous trees. Since then most of the forests were cleared and changed in fields.

They are called deciduous trees, because most of this trees has broad, (flat) leaves, which are different than needles or scales of coniferous tree. All deciduous trees blossom, and after the pollination, from blossom develop seeds closed in hard nut or fleshy fruit. Most of deciduous trees throw off leaves in autumn.

Beech tree

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Beech tree is our most important deciduous tree. It grows in moisture climate and it likes limy clayey ground. Beech grows mostly in forests, but people also plant beech in parks, especially its decorated variety, like red-leaf beech. There have been discovered 300 years old samples of beech; otherwise it grows for about 150 years. Its wood is hard and heavy. In Slovenia we say that the person who is clumsy or boorish is beechen person.
Appearance: 40 m high tree, treetop is dense branchy. Large beeches, which grow on open area, they have branches in lower parts but in dense forests their branches grow higher on the trunk.
Bark: is slender and smooth, silver gray, it cracks and darkens with years
Leaves: are 6-8 cm long, shiny and smoothly, they are bright green, silky and fold first, they are dark green thereafter, beech leaves are yellow red in autumn, when they dry up they partly stay on tree till spring
Use: for furniture, toys, packing material, different kinds of lathed products, for bounded slab, for cross-ties, for plywood, for charcoal, for chip boards, heating, pulpwood…

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Oak tree

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We know many kinds of oak trees (like summer oak, winter tree, bitter oak, downy oak, red- decorative oak…) only summer and winter oak are important for wood industry. Both of them are spread all Europe.
Appearance: 20-40 m high trees. Oak trees that grow in forests have straight trunk, the one that grows outside forests in an open area have broad treetop and small, stocky trunk, which are less useful for remodeling. Summer oak tree has thin to top stretch trunk, winter oak tree trunk blows away in vigor branches.
Bark: is smooth first, later it thickens and has deep gaps, it is dark gray
Leaves: are feathery and look like tatter, they start to grow in the middle of May
Use: for internally furniture, different kinds of lathed and carving products, as construction wood, for parquet and stairs, for making barrels, for cross-ties…

Lime tree

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Lime tree is a symbol of Slovenian nation. Our ancestors have planted it in the middle of their colonies - villages. The tradition of a village lime tree was kept from generation to generation. In the shadow of this tree, people were holding a meeting, deciding of an important matter and they were also dancing. We suppose that some of the village lime trees are 1000 years old, their mighty trunks measure about 4-5 m. In Ljubljana in front of the assembly there is a lime tree planted as a symbol of Slovenian independence.
Appearance: 40 m high tree with equably oval treetop
Bark: is dark gray with small, verticality furrows
Leaves: are 15 cm long, hearted
Use: in joinery, wood turning and carving trade, for different kinds of models, packing material, matches, pencils, toys and drawing boards, for bounded slab …

© Viljenka Šavli